Option #1: Managerial Problem-Solving Memo  Imagine that you are a leader in an industrial cleaning supply organization. Over the past three months, the sales in the organization have declined signifi

E-Commerce and Mobile Technologies:

Technology advancements have transformed the world to a worldwide village where exchanges can be made between parties who are a thousand miles away even crosswise over borders. Electronic commerce abbreviated as E-commerce describes the purchasing and selling of merchandise or services and transfer of payments made over a network which by and large is the internet. The business exchanges in E-commerce as a rule take place either as business to business, business to consumer or consumer to consumer. E-commerce is an attractive choice to most entrepreneurs as it offers a worldwide reach, area independence, automated inventory management, and it's cost-sparing as it lowers the operating expenses as there is no rent and staffs to pay. 

E-commerce has been facilitated by mobile technology which helps in cellular correspondence whereby it provides a stage where several transmitters can transfer information over a single channel at the same time. Mobile technology has replaced the conventional modes of correspondence used in the market, for example, landlines and mail station. Mobile technology has evolved over the years from the simple devices, for example, mobile phones used for calls just to more complex gadgets used which handles multiple assignments, for example, GPS route, internet perusing, and web based life stages. 

Through E-commerce marketing which involves utilizing limited time strategies to create traffic in the online store of the business, convert the traffic into customers who purchase the items and retain customers after a post-purchase service. Picking a decent marketing strategy will help the business in structure brand awareness, customer faithfulness which thus increases the online sales.


Schaupp, L. C., & Bélanger, F. (2013). The value of social media for small businesses. Journal of Information Systems28(1), 187-207.

Gupta, A. (2014). E-Commerce: Role of E-Commerce in today’s business. International Journal of Computing and Corporate Research4(1), 1-8.

Einav, L., Levin, J., Popov, I., & Sundaresan, N. (2014).