Guided Response: Review the posts of your classmates and that of your instructor.  Respond to at least two peers by comparing your suggestion of the three goal areas with those evidenced by your peer

NBST 515

Biographical Study – Bibliography Instructions

During Module/Week 2, you will begin your Biographical Study by assembling a working bibliography of sources, both primary (sources composed at or near the time of the person being studied) and secondary (contemporary studies about your subject). You will use these sources for research on your chosen character. You are required to cite a minimum of 6 scholarly sources that you plan to explore for information about your character (see the document “Scholarly vs. Popular Sources” for information on what constitutes a scholarly source). At least 1 of those scholarly sources must be a scholarly commentary on the biblical text. Per the School of Divinity Writing Guide, do not list the Bible in your bibliography. Liberty University’s Jerry Falwell Library is available for use in identifying and acquiring the required scholarly sources. All sources must be cited in current Turabian format.

See the Biographical Study – Bibliography Grading Rubric for details on how your Bibliography will be graded.

Submit your bibliography by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 2.