Part 3 Create a 12- to 15-slide presentation using the information you gathered and submitted in Weeks 3 and 4. Include the following: · Describe the problem and provide some brief background informat

Running head: PSYCHOLOGY 0

Applied Psychology

Patrice Scope


University of phoenix

Instructor’s Name


Applied Psychology

The issue addressed in this paper missed appointments in its primary and specialty care clinics. Therefore, our main objective would be to devise methods that will help to minimize the average number of missed appointments. This will be done by the comparison of the effects of the two methods employed by the facility to handle the appointments made by the facility. Also, the management has previewed some articles in order to determine which method provides the least amount of the missed appointments and as a result, the organization will have to send out text messages to the clients to remind them of the coming appointment events so as to always keep them aware.

Background of the research that can affect research hypothesis

The research on the text-messaging versus telephone reminders to reduce missed appointments in primary and specialty care clinic is likely to affect the research hypothesis since it contradicts the findings of the hypothesis. It has been found that both the telephone and text-message reminders portray a positive response in minimizing the rate of missed appointments. Therefore, due to the fact that text messaging is both cost effective and less time consuming, the research hypothesis is that the patient responds well to text messages reminders as compared to how they respond to the voice call reminders.

Null hypothesis is HO: text messaging reminder=telephone calls reminder

Research hypothesis is H1: text messaging reminder ≥ telephone call reminders

Dependent variable: the patients responded to the reminder

Independent variables: telephone calls reminder and text-messaging reminders

Convenience sampling method

The sampling method I will use is the randomization method where by the first group will belong to the text-messaging reminders, and the second group to the telephone call reminders of the total number of people who volunteered to take part in the study. The convenience sampling method is useful in the comparison of two phenomenon in this case this method will be important since it compares the two methods of reminders, that include the telephone call and text-messaging reminders (Hu & Qin, 2018).

Simple random sample

This type of sampling method takes into consideration of the each element having an equal opportunity of selection rather than just concentrating on a cluster data. Each element in this simple random sampling method is selected independently.

Importance of collecting descriptive data

I will include the descriptive data in the research because of the fact that it enhances the visualization of data in a more clear and diversified manner. Taking an example of the gender age, it will be important to factor in how the people of the opposite gender and different age group respond to both the text-messaging reminder and telephone call reminders. Generally, the old people are more likely to respond to telephone reminders as compared to the young people who are more likely to respond to both telephone calls and text-messaging reminders (Oakshott, 2016).

In addition, comparing the age and gender of the people taking part in the analysis will help in the development of the tabulated description and therefore easy to represent the results in graphical manner, which is useful in summarizing the group.


Hu, Z., & Qin, J. (2018). Generalizability of causal inference in observational studies under retrospective convenience sampling. Statistics in Medicine37(19), 2874-2883. doi:10.1002/sim.7808

Oakshott, L. (2016). Collecting data: surveys and samples. Essential Quantitative Methods, 30-49. doi:10.1007/978-1-137-51856-9_3