Chapter 13: Information Management and Patient RecordsChapter 14: Patient Consent, Rights, and ResponsibilitiesChapter 15: Health Care EthicsChapter 17: End-of-Life IssuesChapter 18: Legal Reporting R

▸ chapter 13


1. Describe the four common levels of EMS personnel (emergency

medical responder, emergency medical technician, advanced

emergency medical technician, and paramedic).

2. Describe the wide variety of legal issues that occur in the emergency

department setting.

3. Discuss the purpose of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active

Labor Act.

4. Should medical advice be dispensed on the telephone? Explain your


5. Describe negligence-related risks when providing laboratory,

nutritional, pharmacy, physical therapy, podiatry, radiology, respiratory,

chiropractic, dentistry, and podiatric services.

6. Discuss why a hospital has a duty to provide adequate security on its


7. Describe the purpose of licensure, certification, and credentialing.

8. Describe the importance of teamwork in the provision of patient care.

Chapter 14

1. Discuss the rights and responsibilities of patients as reviewed in this


2. Discuss the distinction between verbal, written, and implied consent.

3. Describe the role of the patient, physician, nurse, and hospital in

obtaining informed consent.

4. Explain how consent differs among competent patients, minors,

guardians, and incompetent patients.

5. Explain the available defenses for defendants as it relates to informed


6. Can a patient consent to a procedure and then withdraw it? Discuss

your answer.

7. Discuss under what circumstances parental consent for a minor might

not be necessary.

8. Describe the rights and responsibilities of patients as reviewed in this


9. Why should caregivers consider themselves as patient advocates?

10. Describe what patients can do to help prevent medical errors.

Chapter 15

1. Describe how ethical theories differ and how ethical principles are

helpful to caregivers and the ethics committee in resolving ethical


2. Describe how spirituality and religion help to shape one’s healthcare


3. Describe the term situational ethics and how decisions can change as

circumstances change.

4. Describe the consultative role of the ethics committee when

addressing ethical dilemmas.

Chapter 17


1. Describe how patient autonomy in making healthcare decisions has

been impacted by case law and legislative enactments.

2. Discuss the following concepts: euthanasia, advance directives, futility

of treatment, withholding and withdrawal of treatment, and do-notresuscitate orders.

3. Explain end-of-life issues as they relate to autopsy, organ donations,

research experimentation, and clinical trials.

4. Describe how human genetics and stem cell research can have an

impact on end-of-life issues.

5. Discuss the importance of genetic markers.

6. Explain why the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act was


Chapter 18

1. Describe various forms of child abuse, how to recognize it, and

reporting requirements.

2. Describe various forms of elder abuse, how to recognize it, and

reporting requirements.

3. Discuss the importance of reporting births and deaths.

4. Explain why it is important to report communicable diseases, adverse

drug reactions, and infectious diseases.

5. Explain how and why physician incompetence is reported.

6. Explain the importance of incident reporting, sentinel events, and the

purpose of root cause analyses.