Assignment Background The term "typeface" refers to the design of the type -- essentially the look and style of the characters. The actual characters used from that typeface are what is considered a f

Introduction to Marketing Design

Module 02 Assignment


Use type creatively! While using only type, select a font and creatively arrange it to convey the word meaning. Use your imagination and only typography to show their meaning. There are 18 words in this worksheet. The first 3 have been done to provide you with examples. You need to create representations for the remaining 15 items in this document, then save and submit it to the drop box.

1. Fat


Font name/size/style: Cooper Black, 36 pt, regular

2. Wind


Font name/size/style: Calibri Light, 36 pt, bold, italic, underline

3. Climb






Font name/size/style: Calibri, 11 pt, regular

4. Angry

Font name/size/style:

5. Sad

Font name/size/style:

6. Happy

Font name/size/style:

7. Jump

Font name/size/style:

8. Sleepy

Font name/size/style:

9. Delicate

Font name/size/style:

10. Running

Font name/size/style:

11. Love

Font name/size/style:

12. Hate

Font name/size/style:

13. Balloon

Font name/size/style:

14. Dangle

Font name/size/style:

15. Twist

Font name/size/style:

16. Dance

Font name/size/style:

17. Mountain

Font name/size/style:

18. Look

Font name/size/style: