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Bill of Rights

Amendment I:

Congress shall not define one religion as being associated with Groomes Island or its citizens. The citizens shall remain free to practice their choice of religion as long as no harm comes to other citizens as a result of this religious practice. Congress will not interfere with peaceful acts of worship and shall remain unbiased towards religion when selecting members to enter into Congress.

Amendment II:

In court, when sentencing a criminal after being found guilty, no excessive or unfit punishment may be given. The punishment must adhere to the standards of justice and be fair and consistent when compared to other cases dealing with the same matter. The accused must be proven guilty by the court, with substantial evidence or reasoning, to be convicted and charged with the crime.

Amendment III:

The people have the right to publicize any form of media or information they would like as long as it is not slanderous. The press is allowed to print or publish the information they receive without fear of negative counter action as long as they are not providing slanderous information. Congress shall not interfere with press that is negative towards the government of Groomes Island as long as the press does not threaten the government.

Amendment IV:

The Congress shall not interfere with peaceful protest. The citizens may gather at their own accord to protest the government or issues they find worthy without fear of retaliation. If the protest is not dangerous or a major public disruption, the government must not intervene with the protestors or their actions.

Amendment V:

The citizens of Groomes Island have the right to own and use guns as long as they are doing it lawfully. The government may not obtain guns from citizens without legal and just reasoning.


I selected these specific rights for the citizens of Groomes Islands to protect their actions and to ensure that the people can represent their beliefs in an appropriate manner. I ensured freedom of religion so that the citizens could feel free to believe in their choice of belief system and not feel pressured to follow one majority religion. Similar to the United States Bill of Rights, I included that excessive or unusual punishment will not be tolerated because it is not humane and is not equivalent with every crime. I included freedom of press and protest, like the United States Bill of Rights, because I want the citizens of Groomes Island to be able to freely express their opinions, negative or positive, about the government. I want this because discussing negative aspects allows for change to happen to improve these aspects. However, I included that it must be safe and peaceful because the nation would turn to chaos otherwise. I also included gun rights because I want the citizens of Groomes Island to feel that they can protect themselves and feel secure in their homes. I chose these amendments to protect the right of the citizens and give limitations to the power of what the government can do.


Source 1: National Archives - https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/bill-of-rights-transcript

Source 2: Cornell University - https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/billofrights

Source 3: Encyclopedia Britannica - https://www.britannica.com/topic/Bill-of-Rights-United-States-Constitution