Midterm Essay Instructions and Essay Question The Midterm Essay will require you to respond to 1 broad based question.  You must format your essay as you would a formal paper, following the guidelines

Midterm Essay Rubric


Levels of Achievement









Not present



47 to 50 points:

  • The question is clearly identified and retains focus throughout the paper.

  • Introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.

  • All necessary aspects of the assignment described in the instructions are clearly identifiable.

  • Organization emphasizes the central theme or purpose.

44 to 46.5 points:

  • The question may require some clarification and/or greater prominence throughout the paper.

  • Introduction may not provide adequate background on the topic and preview major points.

  • Most necessary aspects of the assignment described in the instructions are clearly identifiable and sufficiently addressed.

  • Organization may not sufficiently emphasize the central theme or purpose.

1 to 43.5 points:

  • The question requires significant clarification and prominence throughout the paper.

  • Introduction may be missing or ambiguous.

  • Some necessary aspects of the assignment described in the instructions are clearly identifiable, but others may require clarification or development.

  • Organization may require significant improvement.

0 points

Not present

Reasoned Analysis

47 to 50 points:

  • Major points are stated clearly and are supported by valid evidence and logical reasoning.

  • Objective, reasoned analysis is employed.

  • Opposing viewpoints are sufficiently acknowledged and critically evaluated.

  • The conclusion logically derives from the paper’s ideas. An authoritative, persuasive, and statesmanlike voice is used.

44 to 46.5 points:

  • Most major points are stated clearly and supported by valid evidence and logical reasoning, but some points may require clarification or greater support.

  • Opposing viewpoints are acknowledged but may require greater evaluation.

  • The conclusion does not fully derive from the paper’s ideas.

  • Some improvements to objective tone/perspective may be required.

1 to 43.5 points:

  • Major points require significant clarification and scholarly support.

  • Opposing viewpoints are not adequately acknowledged and/or addressed.

  • Conclusion does not derive logically from the paper’s main ideas.

  • Significant improvements to objective tone/perspective are required.

0 points

Not present

Scholarly Support

21.25 to 22.5 points:

Sources reflecting diverse viewpoints and research are employed to include at least 4 peer-reviewed scholarly resources (along with course materials/books). Source material is properly attributed. Resonates Christian world view supporting your themes throughout your writing.

19.75 to 21 points:

Some improvements/ additions to quality/quantity of sources are needed using at least 2 peer-reviewed scholarly resources (along with course materials/books). Clarification of source material may be needed. Further interpretation and/or support for Christian world view needed.

1 to 19.5 points:

Significant improvement of scholarly support or Christian world view is needed. Source material may not be properly attributed.

0 points

Not present

Structure (30%)







Not present


Grammar & Spelling

20.75 to 22 points:

  • Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed and spelling is correct.

  • Sentences are complete, clear and concise.

  • Rhetorical skill is shown.

  • Sentences are well constructed, with consistently strong and varied structure.

  • Sentence transitions are present and direct the flow of thought. Paragraph transitions are present and logical, directing flow of thought throughout the paper.

19.5 to 20.5 points:

  • Paper contains minimal errors in grammar, usage, punctuation and spelling.

  • Sentences are generally complete, clear and concise.

  • Rhetorical skill is shown, although a few points may require clarification.

  • Some variation in sentence structure or transitions may be required to improve flow of discussion.

  • Some paragraph transitions may require improvement.

1 to 19.25 points:

  • Paper contains numerous errors in grammar, usage, punctuation and spelling.

  • Multiple sentences may be incomplete or ambiguously worded.

  • Sentence transitions may be weak, insufficiently directing the flow of thought.

0 points

Not present


20.75 to 22 points:

  • Paper is laid out effectively and uses reader-friendly aids (e.g., section subheadings, table of contents, indices, appendices, etc.) as appropriate.

  • Text, citations and Reference page(s) follow current APA format requirements.

  • Paper is written in 12 point Times New Roman font, is double-spaced, and has 1” margins.

19.5 to 20.5 points:

  • Paper is generally laid out effectively and uses some reader-friendly aids as appropriate.

  • Text, citations and Reference page(s) contains minimal inconsistencies with current APA format requirements.

  • Paper may contain some inconsistencies with required font, spacing and margin requirements.

1 to 19.25 points:

  • Paper may be laid out ineffectively or may not use sufficient reader-friendly aids as appropriate.

  • Text, citations and/or Reference page(s) do not follow current APA format requirements.

  • Paper may not follow required font, spacing and margin requirements.

0 points

Not present

Page Length

8 to 8.5 points:

Required page length of 10 pages is met. This does not include title-page, abstract, nor reference page(s).

7.5 to 7.75 points:

Required page length was not met or exceeded required page length of 1 page. This does not include title-page, abstract, nor reference page(s).

1 to 7.25 points:

Page length may be significantly shorter or longer than the requirement by 2 or more pages.

0 points

Not present

Professor Comments:

