Directions: Your paper should be based on one of the topics listed below. You will be reporting your  findings and recommendations to management. Summarize the responses for  each weekly homework assi

Running head: SLEEP TIGHT INN 1

Week 1: Sleep Tight Inn

Sean Hall

Prepared for: Dr. Nicole Runyon

Park University


Question 1a. Mr. Jones wants to know why you are recommending a formal selection program when the informal system they currently use is less expensive and seems to be working?

Informal recruitment method is effective in this aspect as it is considered more cost-effective than the corresponding formal recruitment methods. Informal recruitment methods keep away many willing potential employers and select from a small group of people who learn about the recruitment process. Informal recruitment is cost-effective in such a way that it keeps desists from advertising processes that are expensive. Informal recruiting processes at their best use free source social media that does not incur any advertising costs on the company. This method is commonly known as soft marketing with social media as other social networking platforms applied for this course (Elin & Kenny). The bidding time of recruitment process is equally shortened by an informal process. Informal recruiting processes are short and precise. Application tracking software is used in capturing potential employee key data from a talent pool. The data is captured and stored for future use. In case of recruitment opportunities, the recruitment is done from the pool of talent captured by the applicant tracking software. This recruitment method, however, has several misdemeanors. It lacks clear guidelines of how the recruitment process is done and lacks a paper trail of employee skillset and recruitment details.

In formal setups of recruitment, the maximum benefits of recruitment can be realized. This can be done using a formal select program. A formal recruitment process has strengths in the sense that it emphasizes on having the right job specification and the right advertising strategy that enables an organization to acquire the right employees. Formal recruitment stress on acquiring the right workforce along with using technology to manage the acquired workforce. After the choice of required talent, the human resource manager is able to keep an inventory of other talents that can be considered when a need or opportunity for them arises. For this reason, the formal program of recruitment recommended by Mr. Jones would help solve issues of recruitment effectively.

Question 1b. Mr. Jones wants to know if the Sleep Tight Inn should use performance appraisal data to promote its employees? Why or why not?

Promotion is a key aspect of employee life. Issues with the promotion are sensitive and should be handled with a lot of care. Promotion makes the employee feel recognized of their performance and makes them feel motivated in their way of hard work as well as providing services to the organization. Promotion raises the employee's status as well as giving the employee more responsibility in the institution they are working in. The promotion also guarantees an employee better rates of salary as well as greater skill acquirement. In a review, we can make observations that promotion can either be vertical or horizontal in nature (Sarboini 105). However, some promotions may be done without increasing the salary rates of employees. The dynamics used in promoting employees solely lie on the human resource manager style of management as well as decisions.

Considering the factors of promotion, it would be brilliant to us performance for the promotion of employees in Sleep Tight Inn. Performance appraisal that is based on one's standard performance to the actual performance can be done. Appraisals provide an opportunity for managers to review employee work-related behavior which forms one basis of promotion. Performance appraisal also forms a key component in an organization’s career planning process. It gives employees the chance to review their career plans while considering their strengths and abilities. A combination of performance appraisal and promotion will help the organization to improve its performance. The fact that promotion based on performance appraisal does not take into consideration of age or gender issues makes it an appropriate method. It ensures that employees are promoted based on competency. Performance appraisal is a continual process and therefore gives the employee as well as management a chance to review their promotion candidates more often. This ensures that all employees get a fair opportunity for consideration for promotion.


Bjarnegård, Elin, and Meryl Kenny. "Revealing the “secret garden”: The informal dimensions of political recruitment." Politics & Gender 11.4 (2015): 748-753.

Sarboini, Sarboini. "Performance of Employees and Impact on Promotion of Position." Journal Ilmiah Peuradeun 4.1 (2016): 103-114.