Continuation to stats for criminal justice paper Literature review + Findings section  *"treatment satisfaction final draft"I sent u each section of the lit review should be three paragraphs. Also jus


Literature Review

(Transition paragraph- should be directional to let your reader know what they are about to read.)

Dependent Variable

(Use the actual name of your dependent variable for the heading)

This section should be about 3 paragraphs

Independent Variable 1

(Use the actual name of your independent variable for the heading)

Each section for each independent variable should be about 3 paragraphs

Independent Variable 2

(Use the actual name of your independent variable for the heading)

Independent Variable 3

(Use the actual name of your independent variable for the heading)


(Transition paragraph- should be directional to let your reader know what they are about to read.)


(Discuss the model. You want to tell me how the relationships the arrows illustrate actually work. Below is an example)

Figure 1. (Give your model a name)


(You must state the null hypotheses and you can also state the research hypothesis, whatever you decide be consistent). You have as many hypotheses as arrows drawn in your model. State the main effects first and then the inter-correlations.




Data Management

These sections are as long as they need to be and based on your variables. This is the same write up as you did when you computed the variables in lab. You need to address each variable computed.

Data Analysis

These sections are as long as they need to be and based on your variables. This does not include your findings it only includes information regarding what analysis you would conduct and why. The why is most likely tied to your level of measurement. You need to have a section on Univariate, Bivariate and Multivariate. Think page 1 of your tests.




Measures of Central




Measures of Dispersion

Standard Deviation







Partial Correlation

Regression Analysis


(Transition paragraph- should be directional to let your reader know what they are about to read.)

Univariate Findings

Discuss your univariate findings and present your tables.

Table 1.

Table 2.

Bivariate Findings – (you made need a transition sentence or two here)

Table 3.

Multivariate Analysis – Interpret all of the multivariate tables to include: partial correlation, t-tests, ANOVA and regression) you need to write it up here.

Partial Correlations– (you will need a transition sentence or two here. You want to explain what partial correlations are and the purpose of running them for this assignment.) Then interpret the table.

Table 4.

t-tests results– (you will need a transition sentence or two here. You want to explain what t-tests are and the purpose of running them for this assignment.). Then interpret the table.

Table 5.

ANOVA results – (you made need a transition sentence or two here. You want to explain what ANOVA’s are and the purpose of running them for this assignment.). Then interpret the table.

Table 6.

Regression results – (you made need a transition sentence or two here. You want to explain what a regression is for and the purpose of running them for this assignment.) Then interpret the table.

Table 7.


(You need to bring in your literature review in this section. You want to state whether your findings are consistent with your hypotheses and the research you presented. If it is not consistent then you want to venture and explanation why it was not). You need to address each hypothesis in this discussion section. You want to relate it back to the research you discussed in the literature review. You need to write a paragraph for each of your hypothesis stated between the DV and IV’s. This should be a minimum of 3 paragraphs.

Model Revision – you want to revise your model based on your findings. If your model remained consistent with your hypotheses, you want to sum up what it is you know based on your findings. If there is a relationship that is significant that you did not hypothesized you want to add a dotted arrow and discuss it. If there is a relationship that is not significant that you originally hypothesized should be, then you want to discuss what may have happened.

Figure 2. Revised Model of ….

Figure 1. (Give your model a name)



Appendix A

Data Management Output