Comment on the completeness and correctness of the explanation of what a cloud-based system is and how it differs from an on-premise implementation, explaining your comments.Comment on the applicabili

  1. In your own words, explain what a "cloud-based" system is and how it differs from a system implemented on the premise of the using organization

  2. Identify two benefits of using cloud-based systems

  3. Identify two risks or drawbacks of using cloud-based systems

A cloud-based system is the one that rely on the internet for its servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics and intelligence. It gives the user the ability to host software platform or services from a remote location that can be easily and used anywhere once there is internet access. In addition to that cloud-based system works by enabling users’ access and to download data on any chosen device, such as a laptop, tablet or smartphone. It can also edit documents simultaneously with other users as well, making it easier to work away from the office (FastMetric, 2019).

Identify two benefits of using cloud-based systems:

It reduces the needs for an on-site IT personnel as there are no on-site data centers which would require an IT technician to be onboard. Also, it comes with a backup and disaster recovery system a benefit that allows the user not to spend on additional resources as backup infrastructure. As result a cloud-based system is far more cost effective than the other IT system (FastMetric,2019).

Identify two risks or drawbacks of using cloud-based systems:

  1. Security and Privacy

Although cloud service providers implement the best security standards and industry certifications, storing data and important files on external service providers always opens up risks. Any discussion involving data must address security and privacy, especially when it comes to managing sensitive data. Their dependence on remote cloud-based infrastructure meant taking on the risks of outsourcing everything though, cloud service providers are expected to manage and safeguard the underlying hardware infrastructure of a deployment.

   2- Limited control and flexibility

Since the cloud infrastructure is entirely owned, managed and monitored by the service provider, it transfers minimal control over to the customer. To varying degrees (depending on the particular service), cloud users may find they have less control over the function and execution of services within a cloud-hosted infrastructure. A cloud provider’s end-user license agreement (EULA) and management policies might impose limits on what customers can do with their deployments. Customers retain control of their applications, data, and services, but may not have the same level of control over their backend infrastructure (Acumatica, 2019).


Acumatica(2019). Cloud ERP Software. Retrieved from

Fastmetric (2019). Cloud Computing. Retrieved from

Cloud based systems are systems that are accessed via internet and free to use no computer storage is required to store them. A cloud based system is different from that implemented in the premises of an organization as there are no geographical constraints when acquiring information in a cloud based system.

Organizations can benefit from using a cloud-based system. It saves the organization a lot of money as it means that the organization will not have to use a lot of money buying expensive systems and equipment. By saving money can help the organization by saving the operational costs being that there will be no cost that will be required for the new hardware, system upgrade, and the hardware upgrade.

Benefits of using the cloud system

  • are freely accessed 

  • no external storage needed 


Risk of cloud systems 

  • some are large files that can not get downloaded or stored to normal hard disk

  • cloud based systems are expensive to maintain.


A cloud based system means that data is stored remotely as apposed to on the hard drive of a computer. When using a cloud based system all information or data is stored in a central location which can then be accessed at any time. Using a premise based system limits the access the user has to in house access. In regards to EHR's cloud based systems offer affordability, ease of use, convenient access any time anywhere and they are HIPAA compliant. Cloud based systems can be cost effective upfront because they they don't require licencing fees and there is no cost associated with hardware. However, over the long term cloud based can cost more than investing in the premise based system. The cloud allows medical staff to access patient information and office information at any time from a laptop, tablet or remote computer where a premise based system limits access to within the office only. 

Concerns that are often brought up about cloud based systems include cloud safety, the cloud host has control of all of your patient medical information and if the cloud vendor suddenly goes out of business a medical practice could lose all of their information (EMRfinder, 2017). It's worth noting that there are EHR systems that are available as an either or type of scenario, for example MedFlow Inc. offers their system to function as either premise based or cloud based (Pollack, 2011). Deciding which system is best seems to depend on the size of the company and the resources available at the time of set up. 

EMRFinder. (2017). Pros and cons of investing in a cloud based ehr system. Retrieved from

Pollack, P. (2011). Pros and cons of cloud based or web based emr systems. Retrieved from


My part

  1. Comment on the completeness and correctness of the explanation of what a cloud-based system is and how it differs from an on-premise implementation, explaining your comments.

  2. Comment on the applicability of the benefits and risks/drawbacks identified, explaining your comments.

  3. Provide at least one additional benefit or risk/drawback of using cloud-based systems. (You should use different benefits/risks for each of your response postings.)

One Reference or more.