Our guest speaker, Dr. Stephanie Gonzaga, speaks to enterprise system implementations within her company, ARCS Commercial Mortgage Company (INF220 Week One Information Systems - The Big Picture Part O

A Priori Model Evaluation ARCS Commercial Mortgage Company

Issue 1

A Priori Model Evaluation-ARCS Commercial Mortgage Company

by Silvia Jimenez

INF220 Week1 Hot Topics

Enterprise Systems News Report

Student’s Name: Silvia Jimenez

Instructor: Professor Zimmerman

Edition1 Vol1

A Priori Model Evaluation

ARCS Commercial Mortgage Company

July 24, 2019

INF220 WeeK1 Information Systems – the big picture In This Issue

Describe one dimension of the A Priori Model

Organizational Impact: For a company to grow and remain competative it should consistently improve its technology. Apple who is a leader in the technology industry states most of its revenue comes from post-PC devices such as iPads (Valacich & Schnieder 2016). Devices such as these were created for consumers but now are being used by businesses, hospitals, and airplane cockpits (Valacich & Schnieder 2016). It was predicted by Forester Research by 2016 one in every three U.S. adult would own a tablet, iPad, or similar device (Valacich & Schnieder 2016).

A Priori Model Enterprise System Evaluation

The author applies the A Priori Model enterprise system evaluation measures to the Information Technology organization identified by the Ashford University INF220 Week1 Guest Speaker, Dr. Stephanie Young Gonzaga, previous CIO – ARCS Commercial Mortgage Company. Our guest speaker, Dr. Stephanie Gonzaga, speaks to enterprise system implementations within her company, ARCS Commercial Mortgage Company (INF220 Week One Information Systems - The Big Picture Part O 1

This is the first edition of the INF220 Subject Matter Expert SME Video series to bring real-world learning into the course room.

Identify how Dr. Gonzaga’s IT organization provided enterprise systems that addressed your selected A Priori Model dimension of success (system quality, information quality, satisfaction, individual impact, or organizational impact). Our guest speaker, Dr. Stephanie Gonzaga, speaks to enterprise system implementations within her company, ARCS Commercial Mortgage Company (INF220 Week One Information Systems - The Big Picture Part O 2

The measurement dimension of the A Priori Model I chose is organizational impact. Dr. Stephanie Gonzaga states as the CIO of ARCS Commercial Mortgage Company the primary role consists of managing cost and efficiency (Ivy 2015). Dr. Gonzaga explains to achieve this an important decision was made to move from a client server to a web app (Ivy 2015). At that time this decision was perceived as ahead of its time and progressive. Client servers were the accepted method but the web app was key in providing the efficiency needed to push the data out. Due to the effectiveness and increased production of the web app the IT team that supported it was small in size which reduced costs, improved the quality of the data provided to its clients, and positively effected the organization (Ivy, 2015). Dr. Gonzaga explains when hiring staff for these positions she is not necessarily looking for someone who could take apart a computer and put it back together but someone who has the understanding to put into use new technical skills. Another key factor she looks for is emotional intelligence. Someone who can work one on one and in group settings (Ivy, 2015).

The A Priori Enterprise Systems Success Measurement Model


Ivy, K. (Director & Producer). (2015). INF220 Week One information systems - The big picture part one. Retrieved from http://ashford.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/INF220+Week+One+Information+Systems+-+The+Big+Picture+Part+One/0_unlvwprz

Ivy, K. (Director & Producer). (2015). INF220 Week One information systems - The big picture part two. Retrieved from http://ashford.mediaspace.kaltura.com/media/INF220+Week+One+Information+Systems+-+The+Big+Picture+Part+Two/0_vsp6ckr4

Valacich, J. A., & Schneider, C. (2016). Information systems today: Managing in the digital world (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall

A Priori Model Evaluation

ARCS Commercial Mortgage Company