
Discussion: how it is possible to increase U.S. national security and also preserve civil rights. (Provide in-text citations connected to listed source references).

You must select a research topic from the following list and use your research to relate the topic to exploiting specifically identified weaknesses in transnational terrorist organizations while demonstrating an understanding of the Saint Leo core value of integrity as it relates to addressing one of the following terrorism-related topics:

 Terrorist Cells in America

 The Threat and Work of Lone Wolf Terrorists in America

 The Roles, Responsibilities, and Work of Three Major Local and/or State Intelligence Units

 The Similarities in Homegrown Violent Extremist Groups

 The Common Characteristics of American Residents (and/or Citizens) Radicalized for Terrorism and the Motivation of the Groups They Formed or Joined (e.g., Lackawanna Six, Fort Dix Group, Virginia Jihad, etc.)

 Domestic Radicalization and Recruitment to Jihadist Terrorism

 U.S. Capacity for Combatting Weapons of Mass Destruction

 Tangible Connections Associated With Organized Crime and Terrorism

 To What Extent Can Publicly Available Information Be Used in Planning Terrorist Attacks

 The Use of the Internet to Radicalize and Recruit Terrorists

 The Use of the Internet to Train Terrorists

 The Use of the Internet to Distribute Propaganda and to Cultivate Material

 Joint Terrorism Task Forces: The Return-On-Investment (with Multiple Case Studies)

 How the Patriot Act Improved the U.S. Ability to Detect and Investigate Terrorism (include specific case studies)

 The Major Investigative Techniques Employed in Terrorist Investigations and a Real-Life Success for Each

 The Potential Use and Possible Impact of a Specific Modality of Weapon of Mass Destruction

You must submit a topic for instructor approval no later than the Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT of Module 3. The completed research paper is due no later no later than the Sunday 11:59 PM EST/EDT of Module 7 and must be submitted to the course Assignment box. (This Assignment box may be linked to Turnitin.)