((PLease take a look at the attachment)) The project is about IT solution of the Square payment method.
The focus is on:
researching and critically evaluating the current literature/theory on a topic
comparing and contrasting the current views and developing your own perspective on the topic
5 to 10 references are expected.
The IAF610 course focuses on the auditing of computer based information systems. It provided an in-depth study of computer controls, audit strategies, computer assisted audit tools and emerging technology and audit issues. Some suggested topics include: the impact of changes in technology on auditing, a study and analysis of a company within the industry, or how IT has affected audit strategy.
From the perspective of the internal auditor of the organization your group will discuss the following:
Project Report Evaluation Criteria 1) Provide a description of the new technology/IT solution and the business process(es) that are impacted. What business is your organization in – how does earn revenue? If you do not have a specific organization, discuss the types of businesses/industries that would benefit from this solution and select an industry to use for the remainder of the assignment. Examples of industries include: mining, farming, construction, manufacturing, retail, pharmaceutical, etc. | 10% |
2) Discuss how this solution fits into the overall IT strategy and links to the business strategy of your organization. If you do not have a specific organization discuss the type of business strategy that this solution would be a good fit for. | 10% |
3) Discuss the business benefits and risks associated with the new technology/IT solution. | 15% |
4) Discuss the types of controls that the organization could implement in order to mitigate the risks. | 20% |
5) Relate your technology to the topics for the module discussed in previous sessions. For example if you use the topics discussed in Module 10, how does the new technology relate to the application controls in the sales cycle. | 10% |
6) How will the new technology impact the work performed in the internal audit department? Provide an example of an internal audit project that could be conducted for your new technology. Discuss the audit objectives. | 20% |
7) Will the new technology impact the external financial statement audit? What is the possible impact on existing audit procedures? | 15% |
Project Report Total | 100% |
A maximum 10 page report based on the questions outlined above.
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