need assignment by using upload documents

need assignment by using upload documents 1

RSCH 600 Term Paper (Part 2)


Due at the end of week 4 (Sunday midnight)

The purpose of this assignment is to develop skills in finding valid literary resources for your research proposal. You will develop an annotated bibliography by doing searches of the literature on your chosen topic of interest (Part I). You will also design a literature map of the sources you have found for your Research Proposal (Part II).

This part of your research proposal should be roughly 7-9 pages (excluding cover page and references) and written in paragraphs, report format. All citations and references for this course are to be done in the APA style.

Please note: Cite with in text citations all ideas, concepts, text, and data that are not your own. If you make a statement, back it up with a reference!

  1. Research a minimum of 15 relevant literature sources (focus on material available in digital format only for this course). Carefully choose your 15 "keepers" that are clearly related to your study. (Note: you might need to find 30 to “keep” only 15).

  2. Write a literature review section that summarizes what you found and evaluate the literature. State how the reviewed research results connected to your proposed study.

  3. Critique and analyze the similarities and differences among the articles (e.g. different or the same point of views? different or the same research methods? why? etc.). Identify the gaps in the literature and provide recommendations for what needs to be done to move forward in your research. You will be using the information in this section in the final research proposal as well.

  4. Design a literature map of the sources you have found for your Research Proposal. This map should help you organize your source materials in a way that will facilitate the organization and writing of your Literature Review.

Note: For the final research proposal, you need to review more than 15 literature sources. Aim for at least 30.

Part 2 Grading Criteria (21 points)

Exemplary (3)

Proficient (2)

Marginal (1)

Nil (0)


Student abided by page length specifications

Student has provided a literature map that organizes sources in an easy to assimilate way

Student has researched a minimum of 20 literature sources (articles, books, etc.)

Student has provided a one-paragraph summary for each source

Student identified sources that will offer info needed to answer research questions

Student has critiqued and analyzed the similarities and differences among the articles

Student has identified gaps in the literature



