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Impacts of Technology on Management


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The development of technology has a great impact on the management of most organizations. This is because it has led to reduction in human errors as well as increase in profits. The adoption of technology like computer hardware and software has led to decrease in human labor since most tasks are performed by specialized machines hence reducing boredom of work by individuals. Generally, the development of technology is of great significance in the management sector of most organizations (Chen & Zhu, 2016). My topic of research shall be explaining the effect of technology in the management of an organization. This topic has a lot of sense to me because there is an increased rate of technological advancement in the society today hence the research is so significant as it will clearly show the positive and negative impact of the development of technology in the management of organizations. Moreover, I have a great interest in this topic because it shows the problem related to the research with its solutions as well which will benefit the targeted group for the research. The research also comprises of the budget that shows the expenses to be incurred once an organization decides to be dynamic through adopting a new technology in management (Chen & Zhu, 2016).

Statement of the problem

The problem that I am putting into consideration is the existence of financial instability in most organizations that make it difficult for them to adopt the new technologies in management. Technological advancement is expensive and unaffordable for some organizations to adopt. This topic is important because despite the fact that there is rise in technology today, the founders will be sensitized to make the new technologies affordable so that most organizations can enjoy the benefits that are as a result of utilization of technology in management. This research ought to be conducted because it will build knowledge based on technological advancement, create more opportunities for professionals, improve how clients of organizations are handled as they access their services and also it will encourage team work that promote unity in the society ("STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM", 2017). Moreover, the conducting of this research will lead to acceptance of the use of technology in most organizations.

Purpose of the study.

The purpose of this study is to obtain knowledge that will address the issue of technological impact in management (Chen & Zhu, 2016). The study will also help me outline the new technology and the outcomes as a result of its adoption in management. The study will also help me in conducting an evaluation of whether the adoption of technology in management will lead to more merits or detriments.

The definition of my specific area of research is that the change in technology leads to changes in basic managerial functions. The management of an organization is responsibly conducted as a result of change in technology in order to increase the positive outcomes in an organization. This because a high intellectual capability of managers is needed in order to operate computer-based management science techniques. Therefore, the positive outcomes are as a result of more emphasis on proper planning, critical decision making, control and proper coordination of activities within an organization (Chen & Zhu, 2016).

I hope to learn a lot from the research I am conducting. This includes several impacts of technology in management of an organization. The impacts are that the change in technology can increase an individual’s loyalty to his or her profession rather than the organization they are working for (Chen & Zhu, 2016). Another impact is that it creates room for strategic planning as well as proper decision making by the employees of an organization. The research will be useful to the society because it will help most organizations in understanding and embracing a dynamic culture that demands for adoption of any upcoming technology that can be utilized in management.

There are several benefits and outcomes anticipated from the research. Firstly, the researcher will be able to build more knowledge based on the significance of technology in management of organizations (Chen & Zhu, 2016). Secondly, the organization will be sensitized to use technology in its management so as to enjoy benefits of strategic planning and proper decision making. Finally, the society will be able to identify the existing professional opportunities that arise as a result of use of technology in an organization.

Research question

The first research question is” what impact does technology has in management of organizations/” Another question is “how does technology influence organizational management ("Research Questions", 2016)?” The final and best research question is “what effect does the change in technology have in the management of organizations?”

The scope of my research identifies the objectives, goals, tasks, resources, budget and schedule as well. The main objective of this research is to identify how the trend in technology can be used in the satisfaction of the need for quick deployment and cost-effective infrastructure. Additionally, the ambitions of IT demand for the understanding of the kinds of relationships that promote the effectiveness of interorganizational partnership ("Research Questions", 2016).

There is an identified schedule that has IT Governance structure and a proper model of leadership to help in achieving the goals and objectives of an organization. The IT governance ensures that there is the formulation and implementation of policies and procedures introduced by technology by the employees in an organization. The leaders promote cooperation among employees and employers of an organization as they work towards the utilization of technology in management in order to enjoy the benefits. Yes, the scope of my research question is reasonable. This is because it is brief and precise and has clarity too ("Research Questions", 2016). Moreover, the question is arguable since it is based on my topic of research.

Research Hypothesis

Hypothesis 1

H1: The adoption of information technology does not greatly influence the operations of commercial banks (Mohareb, 2017).

H2: The adoption of information technology has a great impact on the operations of commercial banks (Mohareb, 2017).

Hypothesis 2

H1: The devices of information technology have not helped bank staffs in performing their duties effectively (Mohareb, 2017).

H2: The devices of information technology have helped the bank staffs in performing their duties in the organization effectively (Mohareb, 2017).

I am required to provide the information on how the changes in technology influence the management of an organization according to my research question. The information will be obtained from a variety of sources which include a journal referred to as the International Journal of Technology Management. There are also existing books that have knowledge based on the impact of technology in management and they include The Sharing of Economy by Arun Sundararajan. Another book is the Reinventing Discovery: The New Era of Networked Science. Besides, there is an article called Information Technology can drive transformation through modification of management in organizations (Chen & Zhu, 2016).

My research question is answerable since it is clear and specific. It can easily and fully researched in the internet to give the targeted audience maximum information with regard to the topic of research. I have access to the resources that contain information about the impact of technology in the management of the organization. The resources will be accessed in the websites of organizations, Google networks as well as the public libraries in the country that own books containing different information ("Research Questions", 2016).

In case I plan to collect data, I will collect different kinds of data for my research. Firstly, it is the quantitative data showing the number of immigrants in the country. I will also collect statistical data by the use of measurement scales. The common measurement scale that I will use it the ratio scales demonstrating the ratio of American citizens to foreigners in the country ("Dam Data Collection and Monitoring System", 2016).



Chen, Y., & Zhu, J. (2016). Measuring Information Technology's Indirect Impact on Firm Performance. Information Technology and Management, 5(1/2), 9-22. Doi: 10.1023/b:item.0000008075.43543.97

Dam Data Collection and Monitoring System. (2016). International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 5(6), 1787-1790. Doi: 10.21275/v5i6.21061604

Mohareb, R. (2017). Conducting Scientific Research: Research Hypothesis and Null Hypothesis. Organic Chemistry: Current Research, 1(2). Doi: 10.4172/2161-0401.1000e105

Research Questions. (2016). Social Work. Doi: 10.1093/sw/40.1.5

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM. (2017). Acta Physiologica Scandinavia, 48, 11-12. Doi: 10.1111/j.1748-1716.1960.tb01911.x