Assignment: Conduct a cultural self-assessment. In order to understand culture and cultural diversity, it is important that you understand your own culture and heritage. Using the tables that are loca

Suggested Question Sample Rationale/Example

1. Where do you currently live?

2. What is your ancestry?

3. Where were you born?

4. How many years have you lived in the

United States (or other country, as appropriate)?

5.Were your parents born in the United States

(or other country, as appropriate)?

6. What brought you (your parents/ancestors)

to the United States (or other country,

as appropriate)?

7. Describe the land or countryside where you

live. Is it mountainous, swampy, etc.?

8. Have you lived in other places in the

United States/world?

9. What is your income level?

10. Does your income allow you to afford the

essentials of life?

11. Do you have health insurance?

12. Are you able to afford health insurance

on your salary?

13. What is your educational level (formal/


14. What is your current occupation? If retired,

ask about previous occupations.

15. Are there (were there) any particular health

hazards associated with your job(s)?

16. Have you been in the military?

17. Are you married?

18. How many children do you have?

Sample Rationale/Example

1.Someone living in a wooded area with deer is at an increased risk for Lyme disease

2.. Ashkenazi Jewish population has a high incidence of genetic and

hereditary health conditions

3. Immigrants from Eastern Europe near Chernobyl have an increased

risk for genetic mutations and hereditary defects related to radioactive


4. Length of time away from the home country may determine the degree

of assimilation and acculturation.

5. Generation may determine the degree of assimilation and acculturation.

6. Refugees may have post-traumatic stress disorders related to their

stay in refugee camps and suffered from rape, torture, and a host of

infectious and communicable diseases such as tuberculosis.

7.People living in swampy areas are at increased incidence for malaria.

8. People immigrating from or who have recently visited parts of Central American may be at increased for and need to be assessed

for arthropod-borne diseases.

9.Income level has implications for affording medications, dressings, and

prescriptive devices.

10. Determines the ability to afford healthy diets.

11.Refer to social services for financial support.

12.The working poor cannot afford health insurance.

13.Educational level may determine ability to understand health


14.A person may currently be retired or may now work as a salesperson

but previously worked as a coal miner, increasing the risk of black lung


15.People working in home remodeling may be at risk for asbestosis.

16.People who served in the military may suffer from post-traumatic stress

syndrome or diseases contracted in their military experiences.

17.Part of a standard assessment.

18. Part of a standard assessment.