This assignment asks you to analyze various companies' mission or organizational vision statements to determine how such statement guide leadership practices within an organization.  Select a mission

This assignment asks you to analyze various companies' mission or organizational vision statements to determine how such statement guide leadership practices within an organization.  Select a mission 1

Module 6: Mission Statement Analysis




Comparison of mission/organizational vision statements of the selected mission statements addresses the following:

  • Similarities and differences

  • The impact these statements have on the culture of the organization


Explains how mission/organizational vision statement values are explicitly or implicitly apparent in both companies.


Provides examples of servant leadership principles or values the company publically represents through employee satisfaction, marketing, and other organizational services.


Discusses the role of the company’s mission or organizational vision statement in guiding organizational behavior including:

  • Includes revisions to the traditional company’s mission statement that would better represent servant leadership.

  • Explains how the mission statement should guide the company’s treatment of employees and clients.


Learner prepares all answers and comments according to the APA guidelines found in the located in the Student Success Center.


Mechanics of Writing

  • Learner is clearly in control of standard, written American English.

  • All work includes correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.


Language Use and Audience Awareness

  • Student used correct sentence construction, word choice, etc.

  • Student uses language in ways that are appropriate to the purpose, discipline, and scope.




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