Assignment #2 Brand Communication 50 Points Due: Tuesday, August 13th, 2019 Please refer to the syllabus for guidelines about the written assignments. Each assignment is to be completed individually,

Supreme is a trendy brand that is growing rapidly but, how is it that it is not constantly being paraded around a Billion-dollar New York skate brand Supreme might have taken over the fashion world. Undoubtedly, Supreme is changing the fashion industry. Their status is growing from Jonah Hill to your next-door neighbor strutting the same shirt. Due to the percentage of money and popularity Supreme’s ploys are inspiring other fashion industries to be the same way. Nevertheless, Supreme’s success may be their downfall.

First and foremost, are how Supreme tactics work. According to Max Doublin, author of Why Supreme Business Model Won’t Work for You, as Supremes’ demand increases so do the value, because the supply is not supposed to meet demand, they purposely don’t make enough of what they're selling to make it limited. Indeed, the reason behind Supreme’s success is nothing ever comes out twice (Par 3). Every Thursday of the season at eight o'clock in the morning Supreme releases their new drop. Online, or at their store thousands of people wait because the value of that item is guaranteed to go up. The lines get so lengthy at the stores that according to CBS Los Angeles Supreme had to make a new system as a result of the long line of customers. Supreme hardly ever works alone they usually collaborate with other brand names such as Louis Vuitton, Vans, Nike and many more.

Subsequently, is the huge amount of profit that comes along with it. Some of the customers that shop at Supreme have no intention of keeping or wearing what they buy, but to sell it 3 or more times its actual value, even to the extent they consider it as jobs. A hyperbeat interviewed from CBS Los Angeles said, “It's better than a 9-to-5, if I would say so myself," he added. Although, many have given positive feedback on reselling Supreme’s very own founder is not very pleased with all this resell. In his own words, he said "I don't like it very much simply because we try our best to make our clothing affordable for young people, after all, Supreme is a skate brand and when I do see our things on eBay the prices are normally at least double what they should be. I much prefer if someone buys something from us that they plan on wearing it and not selling." Some say it’s because the money is not going into his own pockets while others say it’s because he is the "real thing" but, overall Supreme just keeps growing.

According to my survey, most of my interviewees are male and say they know Supreme more than three years ago, and a lot of them seeing or hearing it from social media recently, especially on Instagram. They believe this fashion brand is somewhat favorable, but the price is always high. Top five associations are overpriced, street brand, fashion, trendy and not very good. Overall, it is a “street brand, people are crazy about it.” (SurveyMonkey)

In conclusion, supreme is not like any company out there. Call them original or call them money suckers but they are changing the fashion industry whether good or bad. Many people look up to Supreme and the way they design their clothes it speaks so many volumes. Supreme is a real game-changer.