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Running head: ISOL 534 – Application Security 12
The topic of security has been an issue for many countries and citizens alike as states struggle to root out the vice of insecurity that is posing a significant threat especially during this technological era where everything is virtually done online. Application security is an essential element in internet applications. Application security is the process of making apps secure from cyber-attacks by hackers and other cyber-crime individuals. The process involves identifying, fixing and amplifying the safety of these apps. Since we are in a technological era, application security has become a real concern to generally the whole internet. Internet applications provide a better view for clients in terms of how the information they seek is displayed in webpages and websites. The process is gathering lots of attention as technology keeps on advancing as well as cyber-crimes are still on the rise. Cyber-crime today has focused its attacks on the apps majorly. Therefore, it is vital for the owners of these apps to establish secure connections and enhance enough sustainable security measures such as building and maintain secure firewalls hindering the hackers from having access to their personal information. Cyber-crimes have been on the rise, and most countries are going an extra mile in ensuring that they have put in strict measures to protect their information together with their respective citizens own information. Some information such as the defense mechanisms a country has put in place is susceptible; therefore, in case these hackers get hold of this information, then it might be very detrimental. For example, the hackers might leak the information to the countries enemies or solicit and exploit these countries to bribe them to get back the data. Another important need to up the process of application security is that in this era of mobile banking, hackers have focused their attacks majorly towards these apps that offer these banking services so it necessary for the owners of the apps to focus on application security. Therefore, the research paper is based on application security.
Background information
Application security is usually phased during the initial stages of application deployment. The process used various tools and methods to enhance protection of the apps. The process is gathering lots of attention all over. Many tools are available to be used when securing various parts of the applications portfolios. For example, locking down coding changes and assessing encryption options and rights. There also exist diversified tools for network-based apps and mobile phone apps and even different firewalls for website applications. The process is vital because the faster a business secures its systems, the safer the organization it will become. The other importance is that application security tools that involve the application environment make the process more effective and convenient. The devices are also useful in conducting compliance audits since they are cost friendly and save time by inhibiting problems before they are discovered. There are several application securities tools. One of them is mobile testing. This tool is relevant to the mobile environment and is designed to individually examine how a hacker can interfere with the operating system of mobile phones and the apps running on them.
Terrorism through cyber-crimes has become a massive menace throughout the world. Previously terrorists used traditional means of warfare whereby, they went head-on with the concerned authorities using conventional methods of attacks. Now because of the technological strides made, they have as well advanced their means of attacks. Terrorists now are using cyber-attacks as one of their primary tactical attacks. These days they are hacking into databases of various countries stealing vital information and secrets of these countries and using them against them. For example, they are no longer outdated modes of attacks. Instead, they have improved their attacks in that they are using computers to direct missiles and bombs, a measure that is calculated, enhanced and proven to be extremely reliable.
Countries like the United States have come up with institutions within their defense sectors to curb these issues. For the Department of Homeland Security and the Central Intelligence Agency have been tasked with identifying such threats before they are enacted and dealing with them forefront. Application security also involves the use of app shielding tools. These tools are used to strengthen the apps to make them invincible towards attacks by hackers. They include a product that is small and often has limited access to information in the database. Their main objective is more to do than check for weaknesses in the app and preventing the apps demise or the app being corrupted. Therefore, being in a technological era, application security has become a real concern to generally the whole internet. Internet applications provide a better view for clients in terms of how the information they seek is displayed in webpages and websites. The process is gathering lots of attention as technology keeps on advancing as well as cyber-crimes are still on the rise.
Problem Statement
For various security institutions of different countries around the world, for instance, the DHS to be capable of eliminating this menace of insecurity in terms of cyber-crimes adequately. They should be able to comprehend the temporary trends of the terrorist groups and individual use to cause damage to other countries or citizens, conduct a thorough search on the various apertures that might be used to perform such inhumane acts against people and the sovereignty of a nation. The government should also aid in providing enough finances for these specialized departments to enable them to perform their functions properly. One of the crucial departments of Homeland security in the achievement of this goal of peaceful correlations is the department he is in charge of and makes absolute security within physical borders is the department responsible for border control.
One of the main challenges this department is facing is the issue concerning the collection of information. Since we are all in agreement that for the institutions to be swift and effective, they should have some form of basis. They must base their action plan on some of the intelligence they have collected and validated for coming to a conclusion on the right leads about the whereabouts of the security threats and the correct measure to undertake when curbing the threats. For example, the most severe terrorist attack to ever exist on American soil that left many American citizens dead and a huge number of people injured and hospitalized was the 9/11 attack. This attack surprised almost all the security agencies in charge of securing the nation with several questions of how the terrorists managed to enter the country with the explosives despite having several heavy security checkpoints stationed and the borders of the land. This action prompted all state, and non-governmental agencies that are the DHS included re-evaluating all their security protocols and their security systems to try and determine any security breaches that might have occurred allowing the entry of the terrorist personnel into the country. Ever since that incident intelligence gathering has been mandated to the central intelligence agency together with the homeland security, the department of border control and management.
Literature Review
It has been researched various tools that the government uses to prevent crime. In the research, the authors interviewed various machineries like the FBI and homeland security. The authors found that crime reports and routine theories of the crimes to track down the crimes. The major crimes that the watchdogs prevent is burglary and theft (Argun & Dağlar, 2016). Additionally, to investigate how social network analysis prevent crime. In the research, the researcher reviewed FBI records as well as consultations on the tools that they use to prevent crime. The authors found out that the FBI uses the social network to create profiles for crimes. Besides, the social network helps the government machinery to learn terror tactics (Berlusconi, 2017). Expansion utilization of cloud computing is a common thing in computing. Cloud computing provides the latest furnishes at a convenient cost. Therefore, cloud computing provides several advantages and transparency in the use of the internet. Besides, cloud computing provides guaranteed to the security of the users. Therefore, cloud computing provides an adequate computer advertisement (Bhabad et al., 2016). Additionally, to investigate the various risks associated with cybersecurity and company’s organization information. The research included databases, LAN and enterprise information, an intranet, and cyber intrusions. The paper highlights that social engineering is an important tool in controlling cybercrimes and security of the people in general (Conteh & Schmick, 2016). Moreover, the roles of government and organization in controlling personal information. The author identifies that people provide personal information while accessing services. Organizations can protect information through the guarding of the database as well as not exposing information to third parties (Fong, 2017). Moreover, it was discovered that the increase in immigrants in Canada affects technology and social security of the citizens. The research mainly focused on the first generation of immigrants. The researchers used quantitative research on the study sample. The research s found out that the people increased technology and social security on the natives (Girard & Sercia, 2013). Additionally, to investigate the various changes that have occurred in the FBI and other government bodies to promote security. Many have tried to investigate how the FBI and homeland security evolved to promote the security of people living in the USA. The authors highlight that the organizational bodies underwent major transformation after the September 11 attacks. The author interviewed 115 FBI special units found that the machinery has undergone a major transformation to promote the security of the USA citizens. The body also guards tools to protect the country from cyber-attacks (Gulatiet et al., 2016). Furthermore, to investigate the major tools that companies and the government use to control insecurity among its clients. In the study, the researcher used 150 heads of companies from states in Europe. The company managers identified that companies use both biometrics and tokens to control security. In other cases, they utilize the National DNA index to catch criminals (Jain et al., 2016). The author conducted a study on the strategies that nations have taken to protect its citizens from attacks. The author conducted a literature review on materials written on how nations try to protect people from attacks. The study found out that the nations have set enough funds to prevent social insecurity and cyber-attacks. The government has also invested in training special agents to control cybersecurity and promote the welfare of the people (Segal, 2016). The various strategies that the government utilizes to control cyber and terror attacks. The government utilizes the intelligence cycle that analyses the process of intelligence gathering. Another tool that the article highlights is intelligence gathering that involves tracking and criminal profiling. Through profiling, the government can easily predict organized crimes (Jasper, 2017). It is cloud computing as the basis of future computing. The global computing infrastructure aims at cloud computing by improving security in computing. Security aspects and risks remain the core point of core interests. The companies have introduced numerous cloud-based services that are dispersed over various places in remote servers and reduce the number of people that access them (King & Raja, 2012). Technological anxiety is one of the major causes of tension and anxiety among countries. The authors say that technology is the major source of economic progress in human history. The authors found that technology anxiety is the major cause of cyber and social security. Therefore, nations are taking several measures to reduce the impact of social security (Mokyr et al., 2015). Also, the government has come with efficient immigration rules. The states have engaged in ramifications of some of the earlier laws that allowed an influx of terror groups. However, with the current law, the states only a few people into the states who have no criminal records are allowed to visit the countries (Orrenius & Zavodny, 2017). Over time there is an increase in overall political, social, and space meaning. Hence, there is a need to analyze the technological needs of the country. A methodological nationalist is the main idea that characterizes the security of the people. Political geography is one of the major issues that affect the security of information in a country. The author of the articles found out that manage spatial turn is the major cause of technological risks (Adamson, 2016). Additionally, to investigate how social media is changing and reducing conflicts. The author highlights that social media is an important tool in reducing conflicts in society. Politicians use social media to reduce conflicts in society today since they use the information to gather data for conflicts. Besides, government Machinery such as Homeland security uses social media to get information on terror attacks by using the personal information that the terrorists provide on their social media pages (Zeitzoff, 2017).
Based on the discussion above it is evident that companies that own the apps should put more emphasis on the security of these applications. According to Argun & Dağlar, theft and burglary are the main vices associated with application of security. On the other hand, the government should increase policies that aid in the fight against cyber-crime. For instance, the government should equip better the security agencies such the homeland security with latest devices and technology to assist them in detecting these criminal activities before they take place. It should also increase the number of trained personnel in these field who will take charge in curb this vice. According to Orrenius & Zavodny, the government should come with efficient immigration rules. These rules should be strict enough not to allow any terrorist cells have access to the country.
Argun, U., & Dağlar, M. (2016). Examination of Routine Activities Theory by property crime. Journal of Human Sciences, 13(1), 1188-1198.
Berlusconi (2017). Social network analysis and crime prevention. In Crime Prevention in the 21st Century (pp. 129-141). Springer, Cham
Bhabad, A. V., Heda, J. R., Dhatrak, V. N., Shahane, G. P., & Shirole, B. S. (2016). Data Confidentiatity and Security in Cloud Computing Using KIST Algorithm. International Journal, 1(1).
Conteh, N. Y., & Schmick, P. J. (2016). Cybersecurity: risks, vulnerabilities, and countermeasures to prevent social engineering attacks. International Journal of Advanced Computer Research, 6(23), 31.
Girard, A., & Sercia. (2013). Immigration and food insecurity: social and nutritional issues for recent immigrants in Montreal, Canada. International Journal of Migration, Healt, and Social Care, 9(1), 32-45.
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Fong, A., (2017). The role of app intermediaries in protecting data privacy. International Journal of Law and Information Technology, 25(2), 85