Heritage Assessment The attached information will provide you with information to use to answer the questions below. In a two to three page double-spaced paper (excluding title and reference pages), d

I am an Air Force brat and grew up in several different countries overseas eventually moving to Oklahoma where my father was stationed when I was 15. Since I was raised traveling overseas for a large part of my life it has led me to incorporate several different cultures into my life. The other culture, from my extended family, was incorporated into my life as my parents were the only two constant adult influences that were around to pass that heritage along. My parents also were the influences and the reason that I was exposed to so many cultures and religions. They created an environment where examining and experiencing these different things was accepted and encouraged me and my two sisters to figure out what works for us. It has had a major influence on everything in my life from my acceptance of all cultures to my lack of seeking medical attention from a medical facility but rather from more natural remedies as long as I can help it.

As far as disease and culture in my family, it is customary to put off illness or signs of disease until it is unavoidable as the focus is always more on a commitment to work and servant leadership rather than on self. Health issues are very common in my family as all of my father's side of the family, including my father, have passed away from cancer before the age of 55. On my mother’s side of the family, the majority of them suffer from high cholesterol or heart disease and have had a heart attack or stroke between the age of 30 and 50. So again there is not a lot of focus on health and disease prevention.

Goldmeier (2018) defines health as the functional efficiency or soundness of an organism as applied to the physical and mental state of an organism but also in a social context involving the environment and public health. Health is an organism’s state of functioning within its environment. That state could be a good state or a bad one with the environment having a great effect on the organism’s ability to function. Health includes how the body’s function supports the person in their environment. An imbalance in the body’s function could be caused by sickness or disease.

Some people believe that naturalistic components like weather are deep causes for the disease. Others believe that personalistic components like the choice to not take vaccinations that may prevent disease are the deep cause for the disease. My concept of health and illness is that naturalistic and personalistic components are equal in the causes of illness and disease. My cultural background and influence are that medication is frowned upon and only utilized when absolutely necessary. Otherwise natural and remedies are used. Natural remedies may be useful when there is a chest cold but when that chest cold turns into a virus, only a steroid or antibiotic would resolve this illness as it then progresses from an illness to a viral infection. My cultural background and influence focus on more of a social balance and the ability to function efficiently within an environment rather than eating healthy or even exercising. So, illness or disease is not taken as a serious matter, physical or mental, unless the ability to function within an environment is affected.

“Just as culture and ethnicity are strong determinants in an individual’s interpretation of the environment and the events within the environment, so, too, is religion” (Spector, 2017, sec. 6.3, para. 1). One of the main practices, involving religion, that was used across many cultures that I was introduced to was more of a use of a sacred object or person that was worshiped. In Japan and China, the Buddha was a person that was acknowledged as being sacred. The Buddha was celebrated and worshiped. My family was Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christians, Baptists, and Muslim. The symbol and object that has been kept by my family is the cross and the belief that there is one god and one god only. The cross has been acknowledged as a symbol of a reminder of the sacrifices that god made for his children in the world. The cross and prayer have been used in my family as a way to communicate to god about an array of things including illness, thankfulness, fear, pain, forgiveness, direction, good mental and physical health, and protection to name a few. My family centers everything on believing that everything happens for a reason and it is God who is in control. So, everything happens how it is supposed to happen and when it is supposed to happen. God has the power to heal what medicine and people can’t heal. So, the cross is worn on necklaces and erring’s as a form of protection and a reminder of his constant presence.

Most cultures that I was introduced to while living overseas was that natural or herbal remedies or foods should be used first instead of medicine. These remedies include but are not limited to drinking teas, stretching to increase blood flow throughout the day, earwax/onion/garlic for boils, aloe vera plant to promote healthy skin/heal organs if put in drinks, steam and mint for respiratory issues, drinking alcohol to disinfect, an array of oils (vitamin e, coconut, carrot) for organ/skin/mental health.

My cultural background and influence are that medication is frowned upon and only utilized when absolutely necessary. Otherwise natural and remedies are used. Natural remedies may be useful when there is a chest cold but when that chest cold turns into a virus, only a steroid or antibiotic would resolve this illness as it then progresses from an illness to a viral infection. My cultural background and influence focus on more of a social balance and the ability to function efficiently within an environment rather than eating healthy or even exercising. So, illness or disease is not taken as a serious matter, physical or mental, unless the ability to function within an environment is affected. The belief is that natural resources should be utilized first because they cause less harm/side effects and are less intrusive. The belief also is that there are illnesses and diseases that have progressed to a severity that man-made treatments are necessary.

Another really important aspect of tradition in my family is to show love through the preparing of food. So, cooking is done regularly and not usually healthy food items. The creamier the macaroni and cheese, the sweeter the peach cobbler, the crunchier the fried chicken the more love that was put into these dishes.

As an adult, I do continue to use these religious beliefs, symbols/objects, herbal remedies, and traditions of cooking food. However, as I have gotten older and am able to completely comprehend the effect that these different practices have had and have on my health, I have changed a little. I try to prepare foods that are a little healthier or use healthier ingredients. I also have realized that the world is ever-changing so the health issues and diseases that were around twenty to thirty years ago have changed or progressed making getting ill even more dangerous on even daily life. Therefore, I use home remedies when I feel ill but I also know what signs to look for that let me know that I actually do need to go and see a physician.

Examples of healing practices from my culture or tradition include but is not limited to baptizing the babies shortly after they are born. "The ceremony of baptism is also rooted in the past. It, too, symbolically expels the evil spirits, removes the taboo, and is redemptive" (Spector, 2017, sec. 6.5, para. 9). This ritual is meant to ensure that as the child grows their spirit is able to remain as pure and as close to godly as possible. It is also meant to protect the child throughout their life as the water is believed to be a source of pureness and has the ability to symbolize god. Also using olive oil to place on items or even people is a tradition and ritual. It depends on the situation. Olive oil is prayed over for what the oil is supposed to be meant for or used for. For example, if a person was ill, then olive oil would be prayed over and then that oil would be placed either on the forehead or on the particular area of the body where the illness is and a prayer is said as the small amount of oil is being placed. Oil could also be used to eliminate and evil spirit and the same process of praying over the oil would occur but it would be placed on either a person or maybe a room where the evil spirit is thought to be. There is a range of herbs used in my family for healing the body of illness or disease such as garlic for high blood pressure, goldenseal or Echinacea flushes the immune system of things such as a cold or bacterial infection, and ginger for pain to name a few. These traditions include traditions from the many different cultures that I have been exposed to as an air force brat as well as the traditions that my parents learned growing up with African healing influences.

I am working towards my Bachelor's in Health and Business Administration degree and minoring in Psychology.


Spector, R. E. (2017). Cultural diversity in health and illness (9th ed.). Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu

Goldmeier, H. E. (2018). Health. Salem Press Encyclopedia of Health. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.proxy-library.ashford.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ers&AN=89143745&site=eds-live&scope=site