Complete the Health Care Timeline worksheet to create a timeline in which you describe the evolution of the United States health care industry. Explain why you chose each event, as well as the causes

Health Care Timeline

Complete the following timeline.

Select five events between 1900 and the present that have helped shape health care as it is today. Write a 50- to 100-word summary per event that analyzes the causes and effects of the event, focusing on the Iron Triangle of cost, access, and quality of care. An example has been provided for you.

Health Care Through the Years


Event and Significance


Between 1905 and 1915 there was one organization that focused heavily on advancing health care and that organization was the American Association of Labor Legislation (AALL). This organization drafted legislation aiming for those citizens that were low income as well as their children and those who were employed. Under this move, those who qualified were to receive maternity benefits, sick pay, and a death benefit of $50 that would cover costs for a funeral.

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