Hello I need help on answering this question. I've attached an answer sample.  I need the response by 8/16/19. The response doesn't have to be more than 600 words.   After viewing the OSHA Healthcare

MHA 622 Week 5 Discussion 2

How can employers comply with OSHA standards?

The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) was implemented to ensure that employers provided safe and healthy workplaces for employees. This Act mandates that employers enforce standards and comply with OSHA regulation laws. Employers must also follow the General Duty Clause of the OSHA Act, which imposes employers to keep their workplace free of serious recognized hazards (Levine, 2015). Employers can comply with OSHA standards by being knowledgeable about OSHA standards and guidelines, ensuring that hazardous materials are properly labeled and stored, providing the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) for staff to complete their jobs safely, having a compliance officer provide oversight for annual training review and reminders and educating staff and employers when the organization is at risk for being out of compliance.

How can employees conform to the rules, regulations, and orders of OSHA?

Employees can comply with OSHA rules and regulations by familiarizing themselves with the OSHA and organizational standards and guidelines, by completing the mandated annual training, by always wearing the appropriate PPE necessary to safely complete a job, lastly employees must notify management of any identified or potential risk associated with safety in the workplace (Stroschein, 2017).

What happens when OSHA standards are violated?

There are severe penalties associated with violation of OSHA guidelines from citations, fines and/or imprisonment. For example, if an organization willfully and repeatedly violates section 5 or 6 of the OSHA guidelines, standards, or rules they can be assessed a civil penalty of up to $70,000 for each violation, and not less than $5,000 for each willful violation (OSHA.gov )

Do you feel the violation penalties/consequences are fair? Why or why not? 

I feel that the penalties and consequences are fair and organizations need to be responsible and provide safe work environments for employees. Employees deserve to be properly trained and have adequate equipment to complete their duties. Noncompliance with OSHA standards and safety regulations can be detrimental to staff and potentially cost them their lives.  



Levine, D. (2015). Understanding OSHA's revised hazard communication standard. Adhesives & Sealants Industry, (6). 44

Stroschein, J. (2017). About those walking-working surfaces... OSHA's new standard requires training and retraining. Industrial Safety & Hygiene News, (6). 44