I need this reworded in your own words please asap!


Effects of early Spanish colonization to the native people

After the arrival of the Spanish people in America, the numbers of the native people started reducing at a high rate. For instance, the first native community that disappeared is Columbus when they came into contact with the Arawak of Haiti. In 1502, the existence of the Arawak was 250000 but later the number reduced to 500. The reason why the population of the native population reduced is due to the warfare with the Spanish, the native people being enslaved by the colonists, and the disease that was brought from Europe. These diseases probably won't have been dangerous in Europe, where over hundreds of years individuals had developed regular invulnerability to diseases like chicken pox and measles. Be that as it may, these diseases were obscure in America, thus the Native Americans had not had opportunity to develop any protection from them. And those that were lethal to even the Spanish, like smallpox, proved to be risky to the Native Americans. At times entire towns were cleared out by the diseases and it is believed that unquestionably the greater part the Native American populace passed on along these lines. Different sicknesses that were brought by the Spanish incorporate dysentery, malaria, and hookworm.

Not exclusively completed a large number of Native Americans kick the bucket. The Spanish triumphs implied the finish of civilizations that were further developed than those in Europe. Gold, silver and different fortunes were taken and the majority of these minerals were sent to Europe. Loaded up with religious enthusiasm, the conquistadors regularly obliterated sanctuaries and different structures and consumed archives, so a lot of social and verifiable materials were lost (South African History Online, n.d.).

Enslavement was additionally common. At the point when the Spanish started to settle in America, they required captives to chip away at their cotton, tobacco and sugar plantations. As a rule, entire networks were brutally subjugated, similar to the Arawak experienced by Columbus. Debilitated by malady, the Native Americans were not able adapt to hard physical work. The Spanish required elective work and Africans slaves turned out to be the appropriate response. African laborers were solid, buckled down, were safe to numerous diseases and were effectively acquired. Another effect is that most of the Native Americans intermarried with the Spanish. The intermarriage resulted the mestizo which eventually formed the majority of the population. Most of the Native Americans converted to Catholicism. Another effect of the Spanish colonialization is that it paved way to the rise of rebellion and movement that fought the Spanish colonial rule.

Why native people were able to adapt to Spanish culture

Spanish colonizers endeavored to incorporate Native Americans into Spanish culture by marrying them and changing over them to Catholicism. Albeit some Native Americans received parts of Spanish culture, others chose to revolt. The Pueblo Revolt was one case of a fruitful Native American exertion to recover their religious practices, culture, and land.

Not long after in the wake of meeting their Spanish guests, native American turned out to be exceptionally intrigued by things that the pilgrims could give. In a brief timeframe, the Indians started utilizing these new materials and items in their regular day to day existences. Local seekers were anxious to exchange arranged deer stows away and different pelts for lengths of shaded material. Metal devices, for example, tomahawks, tools, and blades wound up significant new assets. Before long American Indian men set aside their bows and bolts for European guns, powder, and lead shot. Exchange things like metal pots regularly were cut up and changed into new devices or weapons. The craving to get Spanish merchandise changed old exchanging designs. The custom of basic chasing for sustenance started to end up less critical than motivating creature stows away to exchange. Before long American Indians relied upon Spanish things for day by day needs. Pilgrim dealers likewise brought rum, and this beverage caused numerous issues for a few clans. New exchange merchandise brought from over the Atlantic Ocean changed American Indian lives until the end of time (Kincheloe, 2007). This made them to easily adapt the Spanish culture.

Why native people resisted the Spanish colonization

There are so many reasons why the native Americans resisted to the Spanish people. One of the reason why they raised against the Spanish colonizers is that they were being forced to convert to Catholicism where they were forced to denounce there culture completely. The Spanish draw away the young people from their parents and traditions (Khan Academy, n.d.)

The Spanish needed corn and labor from the native Americans. Therefore, most local were enslaved by the Spanish. This made the Native Americans to resist against the Spaniards. They launched the coordinated attacks. They laid siege to the city for 9 days and they cut off the Spanish Water supply. So many Spaniards were killed which made them to settle south.


Khan Academy. (n.d.). Pueblo upreising of 1680. Retrieved from Khan Academy: http://www.khanacademy.org

Kincheloe, J. (2007). American Indians at European Contact. Retrieved from NCPEDIA: http://www.ncpedia.org

South African History Online. (n.d.). Conquest, Warfare and Spanish early colonialism in the Americas. Retrieved from South African History Online: http://sahistory.org.za