Follow the directions for each activity. Answer the essay questions completely using thoughtful ideas, the course text, and outside reference sources, where applicable. Proofread answers for potential

Statistics homework 8.18.19

Multiple choice Section:

1. We are interested in determining whether a Democratic candidate’s speech change perceptions regarding the privatizing the NJ Turnpike or whether voters will vote along party lines. Information is gathered on the percentages of registration of voters in the sample (Democratic, Republican and Independent) and whether or not the voters favor privatization. What statistic would you use?

a. t-test

b. z-score

c. chi-square

d. Spearman’s Rho

2. A teacher is interested in determining progress of her class on a multiple choice reading test given five times in the course of a semester. Which is the appropriate statistic to determine improvement in the class?

a. t-test

b. z-score

c. 2-way anova

d. Repeated (dependent sample) measures anova

3. The American Psychology Association reports that 75% of psychology majors are female. In a psychology class of 40 students, six are male. What statistic should be used to determine if the class departs from the national profile.

a. t-test

b. z-score

c. chi-square

d. Repeated measures anova

4. We are interested in looking at the association between the number of hours spent partying in the summer of 2018 and grades on the final exam of a statistics class. What statistic helps us look at the association?

a. t-test

b. Pearson correlation

c. chi-square

d. Spearman’s Rho

5. We are interested in the difference between the anxiety level scores for males and females in a Spanish III class. Each student uses a number from 1 to 10 to describe their level of felt anxiety. Do the males differ from the females in their anxiety level?

a. t-test

b. Pearson correlation

c. chi-square

d. Spearman’s Rho

6. A scientist wishes to compare the effects of two different diets on the weight of mice who are about equal in weight at the beginning of the random assignment. Diet A is fed to a group of 8 mice and Diet B is fed to a different group of 8 mice. At the end of a four week period the mice are to be weighed. What statistic should be used?

a. t-test

b. Repeated measures analysis of variance

c. z-test

d. Mann-Whitney U

7. Unfortunately towards the end of the experiment, the scientist learns that the mice fed Diet B escaped their cages and spent a long weekend running around the lab. He decides to alter the experiment and weigh the group fed Diet A and then continue the experiment for another four week period using the same mice and a Diet B. What statistic should be used?

a. t-test

b. Pearson correlation

c. 2-way anova

d. dependent sample t-test

8. We are interested in the extent to which music stimulates babies. Our measure is the number of kicks they make when listening to a selection of Rock, Classical, and Hip-hop. We are interested in studying the differences in kicks among music groups. Our statistic is:

a. one- way anova

b. 2-way anova

c. no- way anova

d. (Herbie) Mann Whitney (Houston) U

9. We are interested in whether the color of a room (yellow, red or blue) and level of noise ((Quiet, noisy) have an impact on achievement scores. We assign 30 participants equally and randomly to a different color room and half in each room will study with noise and half without noise. Scores range between 41 and 88. Our statistic:

a. 3X2 t-test

b. 3X2 factorial anova

c. Chi-square

d. Can’t do this experiment because of two independent variables.

10. We are interested in looking at the association between ratings of catchers in the American League with the final place (1st, 2nd, etc.) standings of their team. Each catcher is given a rank based on various statistical categories. Our statistic:

a. t-test

b. Pearson correlation

c. chi-square

d. Spearman’s Rho

11. Autocorrelation in statistics refers to

a. The likelihood that a pattern will remain the same based on external factors.

b. Completing correlations automatically in factor analysis.

c. Having two reliability indices in the same study.

d. Reordering factors for latent variables.

12. Which one of the following statistical procedures is appropriate to compare means across three different groups.

  1. Independent sample t-tests.

  2. Dependent-sample t-tests.

  3. ANOVA

  4. Correlation

A short answer section follows:

Short Answer Section: (Make more room as needed.)

  1. Describe the parameters for visual analysis of case study data. How does analysis through single case effect size statistics effect the confidence in our predictions?

  1. In case studies, what do we mean by “operationalizing the variables”?

3. What’s the difference between parametric and non-parametric measures.

4. Define each of the following case study effect size statistics: PND, g-index, and d-index.




Problem Section:

Given the following case study data, determine whether the intervention is effective. The data are words read correctly in a minute, taking for a single student over nine times over a 27 day period.

The first four data points were taken before the intervention was put in place, and the last sixteen data points after the intervention was in place.

Baseline: WRC: 4, 8, 12, 16.

Intervention: WRC: 15, 20, 23, 24, 25, 28, 20, 16, 25, 24, 30, 16, 20, 25, 22, 23.

Hint: Use Excel and take the trend line for the baseline into account.

In your answer, how you calculated the statistic, and whether the intervention is effective in your estimation. In this instance, Percent of Non-overlapping data (PND) produces a different answer, but is not the appropriate statistic. After calculating the trend line, tell me how your answer would differ if you used PND and briefly discuss how the case study effect size statistics differ.