To complete this discussion: Conduct research and determine benefits associated with the economic opportunity that you proposed in your Unit 3 assignment. Assign dollar values to each benefit.      

Running Head: Executive Brief: Proposal of New Economic 0

Executive Brief: Proposal of New Economic Opportunity

Danielle Ferrante

Capella University

Economics and Decision Making in Health Care

July 2019


Economic initiative is a development directed program that is created with the main objective of developing the target population or the society. Each person involved in the project formulation also called a beneficiary must participate in identification and creation of the assistance that is to be received at the long run. The economic initiative may be designed to fund the actual project or just go ahead to encourage diversification, partnerships and attraction of increased support to small scale businesses and those which are medium sized.

Keywords: economic, beneficiary, diversification, partnership

Executive Brief: Proposal of New Economic Opportunity

Ideally, health cares and medical departments of the public health centers established for research are the best place to always formulate economic initiative since they directly deal with the human life in terms of proper delivery and effectiveness of the programs set aside to care for health issues. Therefor the formulated healthcare economic initiative may for geared toward the improvement of human life or just the general improvement of the healthcare system.

Identification of the Economic Initiative

My healthcare’s economic initiative is to partner with the national government on the matter of providing free cancer screening services to majority of the females around the age of 25 to 50 years old. At departmental level, the project is set to ensure that there are various mitigation measures developed to ensure there are less cases of positive cervical cancer screening and to investigate possible reasons why females between the age of 25 to 50 years old are the most effected with cervical cancer (Ginsburg, Badwe, Boyle, Derricks, Dare, Evans, & Mohammed, 2017). The project is also meant to create awareness on cervical cancer to the neighbors and the national population of the female who fall in the target age range of 25 to 50 years old. Being that the project is in collaboration with the local government the project is set to bee free to the locals.

Supply and Demand for the Proposed Economic Initiative

The screening service is set to free and will be available at all branches of the healthcare organization. This program is treated to be of great importance since most females have been reported to suffer from cervical cancer with little of the condition until they are diagnosed to be positive of the disease hence the program has a high demand since it is set to ensure that majority of the females are screened for the condition (Hebert, Liu, Wong, Hernandez, Batten, Lo, & Fihn, 2014). Moreover, general cancer screening is important to the public since development of cancer at its early stages is only visible through screening and regular medical checkup.

Data Supporting the Analysis

Over the recent past, most females have been diagnosed with the cervical cancer being positive hence it is a great idea to go ahead and partner with government to know and establish an approximate number of the females who might be suffering the same condition. Through advertisement, most females may be able to catch a glimpse of the free program aimed to reduce the cervical cancer prevalence in the country (Wilkinson, Sculpher, Claxton, Revill, Briggs, Cairns, & Walker, 2016).


Creation of economic initiative programs majorly aimed at improving the live of the local citizens while lowering the cost of service is an important process. The process may lead to painting the healthcare’s profile positively while at the same creating good trust with the local people on service provision. This project may have a positive impact on the economic growth since it will reduce the mortality rate of females suffering form cervical cancer unknowingly.


Hebert, P. L., Liu, C. F., Wong, E. S., Hernandez, S. E., Batten, A., Lo, S., ... & Fihn, S. D. (2014). Patient-centered medical home initiative produced modest economic results for Veterans Health Administration, 2010–12. Health affairs33(6), 980-987.

Wilkinson, T., Sculpher, M. J., Claxton, K., Revill, P., Briggs, A., Cairns, J. A., ... & Walker, D. G. (2016). The international decision support initiative reference case for economic evaluation: an aid to thought. Value in health19(8), 921-928.

Ginsburg, O., Badwe, R., Boyle, P., Derricks, G., Dare, A., Evans, T., ... & Mohammed, S. I. (2017). Changing global policy to deliver safe, equitable, and affordable care for women’s cancers. The Lancet389(10071), 871-880.