Select 10 scholarly articles that will support your research paper. Write an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography takes each article and a short paragraph is written stating how the artic


Global Leadership

Global leadership is becoming increasing important each passing day as leaders are being subjected to situations that needs global decision making abilities. Global leadership entails leading a diverse group of people in an acceptable manner to all members of the group. However, global leadership despite being important is not something that leaders are born having, but something that is learned and gained and the main focus of the article is to determine how global leadership is developed.

According to the selected article by Hassanzadeh, et al., (2015); developing global leadership is important and it is something that any person aspiring to be a leader should learn and embrace. The more reason is that the world is becoming a mixed race and multicultural which means leaders have to learn on how to deal and work with people from cultural diversity. In the article, the problem is effectively stated because the author clearly states that despite the world having a lot of leaders, only a fraction of them can be categorized as global leaders. The authors points out that due to lack of effective global leadership, people in groups, organizations, and societies are divided across ethnic and racial lines and the consequences are dire (Hassanzadeh, et al., 2015). This is a highly theoretical rational statement that proves it is important for a research to be conducted to develop solutions to the problem.

To make the problem statement clear, the authors have made use of literature review which is highly relevant and sources from which the information has been borrowed perfectly cited. For instance, the authors demonstrates how past researchers and authors found out about global leadership. One clear thing is that global leadership is developed and learned, but not inborn. Apart from literature review, the authors have made use of primary research method to address the problem statement. In this case, qualitative research method is used where in depth interviews and a pilot study have been used (Hassanzadeh, et al., 2015). Participants were used to respond to interview questions and people with global leadership knowledge were carefully selected.

The article has a clear hypothesis of whether it is possible to develop global leadership abilities and characteristics in leaders which is clearly stated. Errors are sometimes inevitable; however, in this case, it is not clear when it comes to presence of errors. In the data analysis section of the article, the author has made use qualitative data analysis technique. Using the technique, data has been analyzed resulting to findings and results (Hassanzadeh, et al., 2015). From the analyzed data, one major result is that development of global leadership is a reality. However, it is a lengthy process that needs attention and ample resources. The article research also found out that even the present day global leaders were developed.

One major study limitation is finances and some selected participants being unavailable for the in-depth interview. However, the good thing is that the article is accurately concluded that global leadership development is a possible and effective mission that should be embraced by all. The how this mission is possible is properly arranged and organized in the findings sections of the article Hassanzadeh, et al., (2015). The results and conclusion of the article can be applied my work environment by introducing leaders to vital tips that they can learn and gradually develop into global leaders as they mould others in lower positions.


Hassanzadeh, M., Silong, A. D., Asmuni, A., & Wahat, N. W. A. (2015). Developing effective global leadership. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 5(3), 15.