Instructions for submitting discussion assignments.

  1. You must answer the discussion question posted in each module.  You must also respond to one other learner (student in the course) per discussion question.  You may respond to more than one learner, as it will greatly add to the discussions.

  2. If you use references, such as your text or a journal article, you must cite references in the body of your discussion and show your reference directly after the discussion text. 

  3. Please be very cognizant of spelling, grammar, and punctuation, as you will lose points for errors.

  4. Use APA format for your references (see APA citation information above).

  5. You may use attachments when posting to aid in explaining your opinion or thought.

  6. Only respond to questions that are posted in the discussion forum.  If you have a comment regarding anything else in the course, please contact me via email.

  7. Please put your name at the end of all comments.

  8. No cyber speak please.  Use correct grammar, English, and punctuation.

Guidelines for the Discussion Forum:

The Discussions are directly related to the assigned readings. Upon completion of the
assigned readings, you are expected to engage in an ongoing discussion/debate with
your classmates. Your contributions to the discussion forums will be graded for quality
and a detailed analysis linking the material to a critical appraisal of theory, policy, and
practice. The introduction of outside materials in not mandatory (unless otherwise
noted in the discussion topic assignment), but is highly recommended. In all cases,
students must cite in-text and provide a full bibliography/works cited at the end of their
post for all citations mentioned in the post (See information later in the syllabus for
more information on citing utilizing APA citation format). 

These posts should be the equivalent of 1 page in length or a minimum of 250 words. If you have more to say, you should do so.  If you are not certain however, you can view the number word count at the bottom of the screen on the left hand side of a Microsoft word document. Using MS Word also helps you with spelling and grammar as  you prepare your discussion posts. The specific discussion assignment is located in each unit Week by clicking on the Discussion link. Posts are due by 11:59PM CST on each due date.

Using MS Word also helps you with spelling and grammar as  you prepare your discussion posts. Below is an example of an actual question posed in a previous course and the response from the student that earned them a full 25 points. 


To respond to the following discussion, you will need to have read/reviewed the readings/lectures on Crime Reports/Crime Statistics and ETHICS (and the CJ examples in the Ethical examples ppt).

Your task is to first discuss some of the obvious ethical issues that you think could arise when collecting data for the NCVS? What about ethical issues with the UCR? Secondly, I want you think about if you were the lead researcher on some of the studies we reviewed. How would you go about trying to limit some of these ethical dilemmas? More specifically, include in your discussion, answers to the following items:

1.) How do we build in protections for the subjects of research?

2.) How do we build in protections for researchers?... and...

3.) What is the University's role vs. government role?



Utilizing data which is archived from any source can quite naturally possess its share of unique issues. When considering UCR and NCVS data, the two sources have both been plagued with issues concerning their sampling techniques, data collection methodologies, and potential ethical concerns. In the collection of UCR data, some of the participating law enforcement agencies could possibly tailor data to suit some political agenda or social cause. This would cause the UCR and it's researchers to become instruments of unethical and unjust deviant labeling. The NCVS's collection of survey data also leaves room forinaccurate reporting. NCVS's participant responses could be easily shaped by personal biases, minor embellishments, and the collection of misleading survey responses. Also, information received on unreported crimes could potentially place the researcher in detriment for not disclosing the details of the criminal act immediately upon receipt.

     I believe, the most effective way to protect research subjects lies in the researcher's ability to implement failsafes that identify and address emergent issues that may effect the subjects safety and comfortability. A researcher must, in any case, be able to evaluate their subjects continuously and be steadfast in assessing unforeseen anomalies that may cause maladaptive issues. On the other hand, I believe, the best way to protect the researcher is to always construct sound methodologies. In these matters, there is no substitute for a competent research design which will stand up to peer scrutiny and scientific review. The role of the University is usually always rooted in guiding and overseeing research efforts in a manner that promotes sanctioned approaches and methodologies. This should be done through direct and interactive involvement at all stages of the research effort. The University, or other institutions of research, must, in most cases, form a review board for this purpose. However, it's fair to say that each particular board's ability to develop a lasting sense of duty and purpose may originate as the key distinguishing factor for the adequate administration of the intended ideals. The government, which is responsible for millions in annual research funding, must generally provide basic pillars of acceptable research practices and be available to enforce these pillars with sanctions or reprimands whenever warranted (Smith, 1990). The U.S. Government, as with any genre of activity, must always seek to protect the well being of it's citizens and therefore implement policies that manifest this duty.



Courtney, you are absolutely right. The proper training of staff and the implement of honest communications could prove to be vital components of any research agenda. In many cases, the presence of knowledgeable and straight-forward research personnel will essentially bridge the gap between the subjects and the researchers. The subsequent cohesiveness will provide the research participants and the principle investigators with valuable feedback on emergent concerns and result in a more non-problematic research experience

Comment Posts/REPLIES: 

Comment posts are responses you make to the discussion posts that you and your
classmates post each week. You are required to make a minimum of two (2) comments
each week. I would strongly encourage you to engage your colleagues well past the
two-comment minimum in order to maximize your opportunity for meaningful
discussion and learning.

Comment posts should be meaningful. Merely agreeing or disagreeing with a classmate
will not be looked upon favorably and will result in a loss of points. A meaningful post is
one that moves the discussion forward in some substantive way through providing one’s
perspective, additional information through research, or reframing the discussion in
some new way. You are expected to engage in an ongoing discussion/debate with your
classmates. Your comments will be graded for quality, and relevance. Your comments
will also be graded based on your ability to engage in critical thinking. 
NO LATE COMMENTS ARE ACCEPTED. All comment posts are also due by 11:59PM CST on the due date of the discussions.