i want this assignment asap 400-500 words

1 WORKSHOP 3 EMS5AEI Overview of workshop: In this workshop we will be looking at framing the challenge and planning your research. You will be given a set amount o f time t o discuss the questions and you will pre sent your answers to the class for discussion. These questions will form part of the discovery section of your portfolio (You should ens ure you have read the portfolio document on LMS). Section 1. Framing the challenge In your teams you are going to frame your challenge/problem, this will guide your questions and help you to stay on track throughout the design. Ideally, it needs to be broad enough to discover areas of unexpected value, but narrow enough to make the topic manageable. Useful sources of info: https://www.atlassian.com/team -playbook/plays/problem -framing https://www.interaction -design.org/literature/article/stage -2-in-the -design -thinking -process - define -the -problem -and -interpret -the -results 2.1  Frame your challenge; it should be short and e asy to remember (a senten ce or two of what the challenge is).  State the ultimate impact you’re trying to achieve.  What are some possible solutions to your problem? ( Think broadly)  Write down the context and constraints that impact your question.  De fine your audience, who has connections, who are fans and skeptics, who do you need?  Repeat the above until your design question aligns with the impact, possible solutions, context and constraints. Is it broad enough to discover areas of unexpected value , but narrow enough to make the topic manageable? 2.2  Present your design question to the class. You will get feedback on possible solutions, constraints, impact and context.  Go back to your design question and modify to take into account the feedback. 2.3  Create a quick visual representation (diagram) of your problem. This will be used to describe the problem simply to others . 2 Section 2. Prepare research On your white b oard set up a table as follows: People Characteristics Contact Learn  List the pe ople that you think are interesting to meet for your challenge, the characteristics that make them interesting, how to get in contact with them and what you want to learn from them.  Go around the room and offer feedback on the other team’s tables, by add ing comments or suggestions.  From the above create a description of each of the people you want to meet. (Your audience) Section 3. Plan – Research  Identify broad topics related to your identified problem that you wo uld like to address, split your whit eboard up into these topics.  All team members should create relev ant questions that you need to be answered by the audience, write them on notes and stick the notes in the relevant topic area on the whiteboards.  As a team , decide on the best question s; make sure each topic is co vered in detail. Section 4. Planning & documenting  Develop a plan to best answer the questions and engage your participants. (Document your plan) Some examples: ‐ online survey (eg. https://www.surveymonkey.com/ ) ‐ Face to face interview (recording video /audio) (See online lecture material) ‐ Observing ‐ Scenarios  Set times and dates, schedule your activities and create an action plan.  Document the equipment you need. After this worksh op The file with all the answers for the questions/tasks must be submitted on behalf of the team in 48 hours after the end of the workshop. After 48 hours the submission link will become unavailable. Before next workshop Perform your re search and record your findings in your Google Drive .