Barbara was recently hired as a regional manager for the Urgent Care Clinic Organization (UCCO). One of her first tasks is to compile a strategic plan for the executive committee to review. The overal

Type: Individual Project

Unit:  Analyzing the Business to Determine Risk

Due Date:  Wed,8/28/19

Grading Type: Numeric

Points Possible:  100

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Deliverable Length:  2-3 pages

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Assignment Details

In a paper of  2–3 pages, create a data and information classification scheme for your organization. The scheme should have no more than 3–4 categories. Explain each category, and identify which key business processes it aligns to.

The second part of the assignment requires you to identify a strategy for classifying all IT assets to align with the data and information classification scheme. Describe 2–3 policies that would help the organization meet these objectives.

Title your paper: Data and Information Classification Scheme, Asset Classification, and Key Business Processes.

Name the document "CYBR613_First and Last Name_IP2.doc."

Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Reading Assignment

Unit 2: CYBR613 CTU Library Guide

Managing Risk in Information Systems:

  • Chapter 6, pgs. 144–150

  • Chapter 6, pgs. 166–185