Please find the attached document. There are 2 discussions, need to read the discussions and respond to them in 150 words each. Write the response in 300 words for 2 responses(which is 150 each), APA

Discussion 1:


After reading the chapter and your other articles how would you describe the schools of ethical thought from an organizational perspective? 

A significant part of organizational strategy and the management is engaging many ethics at the individual level. Organizational pioneers must know about the results of specific choices and hierarchical directions, and guarantee arrangement with cultural interests and moral conduct. Organizations ought to inside build up a set of principles or potentially ethics explanation, give ethics preparing, name morals officials, and guarantee there is an unknown method to report ethical issues. Ethics are a focal worry for organizations, associations, and people alike. Acting such that includes an incentive without improper direct or negative ramifications for some other gathering or individual, hierarchical pioneers specifically should be totally mindful of the results of specific choices and authoritative directions, and guarantee arrangement with cultural interests. Ethical behavior, be it at the authoritative, expert or individual level, is an immediate portrayal of the standards and qualities that oversee the individual and the association they speak to. Associations make an inner culture, which is reflected remotely as hierarchical qualities. These qualities sway the connections inside the association, profitability, notoriety, worker assurance and maintenance, legalities, and the more extensive network where they work. Therefore, most associations produce an announcement of authoritative qualities and sets of accepted rules for all workers to comprehend and hold fast to. Motivating and reinforcing positive conduct while making a situation that stays away from deceptive conduct is a basic duty of the two directors and representatives. In this point of view, the individual leader ought to get some information about the obligations owed to the networks wherein they take an interest. Communitarian Ethics is a generally basic casing of reference.

Discussion 2:


After reading the chapter and your other articles how would you describe the schools of ethical thought from an organizational perspective? 

Ethics generally refers to our moral principles and code of conduct. These can also be standards of morality and our actions about right and wrong. Based on ethical conduct, we can judge the right and wrongness of our actions. Ethics can be described as intent or trends inherited by someone in different fields such as professionalism or humanity.

Schools teach the value of ethics in infinite ways to students. Teachers, most of the time, work hard to meet student needs and promote ethical and better learning. Sometimes setting up examples or presenting themselves as role models also help students develop ethical behaviors. The courses are structured in a way to develop healthy relationships with the kids. Being available for the students and share their personal experiences or values can help students develop ethical mindsets (Futterman, 2015). There is certain standard of ethical behaviors that our society expects us to uphold, therefore, building special relationships can help drive ethical behaviors.

There are three major types of ethics: Virtue, Consequentialist and Deontological (Dobrin, 2012). Virtue ethics focus on what a person wants to become in his life. These try to become a goal-oriented person who also focuses on morality. Consequentialist, on the other side, focus on asking various questions about themselves that include: How does my behavior impacts the world, Am I a good or a bad person, Am I doing any harm to anyone. Finally, deontological ethics deal with asking probing questions on being ethical such as: What my ethics should tell me what to do in certain situations, what type of duties I owe to others.