Using the “5E Lesson Plan Template” you wrote in Topic 3, the “5E Questions Table,” and Webb’s DOK Levels, draft two different questions for each of the 5Es (total of 10 questions).  Incorporate the f

Using the “5E Lesson Plan Template” you wrote in Topic 3, the “5E Questions Table,” and Webb’s DOK Levels, draft two different questions for each of the 5Es (total of 10 questions).  Incorporate the f 1

5E Questions Table

Grade Level:


Learning Target(s):


DOK Level 1/2 Question

DOK Level 3/4 Question

Rationale of Why Chosen Questions Align with the “E” and Meet the DOK Levels






Using the “5E Lesson Plan Template” you wrote in Topic 3, the “5E Questions Table,” and Webb’s DOK Levels, draft two different questions for each of the 5Es (total of 10 questions).  Incorporate the following into your questions:

  • Ensure each question is aligned to the learning target of the lesson plan. 

  • Represent all four DOK levels in the table, and at least half the questions need to be at a level 3 or 4.

  • Questions should encourage exploration, problem solving, and activating prior knowledge.

Compose a 250-500 word rationale of why the questions align with the “E” and meet the DOK levels for each question.

Submit the “5E Questions Table” and rationale as one submission.

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