This week, you will write your second essay. Topic choices are described in this week’s Lessons (i.e., see the song lyrics provided). Use the three-part thesis and five-paragraph essay format you lear

Doe 1 Jane Doe Professor Crawford English 10 1 08 December 201 7 Eisenhowe r: An American Hero One of the most well -known American heroes of World War II was Dwight D. Eisenhowe r. He was a brillia nt general and diplomat, possessing enough tact to keep the Allies united and ultimate ly win World War II. He also served as President of the United States, bringing peace to the nation. His autobiography was a best seller, partly because of his good writing skills. No one is perfect, and he was no exception, but Eisenhower served his country with everything he had, and America would not be the same without him. Eisenhowe r is remembered as an important figure in U.S. history because of his milita ry career, presidency, and writing . First, Eisenhower had a very long and successful milita ry career . According to historia n Stephen Ambrose, "He was the most successful general of the greatest war ever fought" (p ar 45). Despite having never experie nced combat, he was named Supreme Allied Commander in 1942. He was known for being a great diplomat , a trait that served him well as he had to negotiate a successful working relationship with generals from many differe nt countries with many differe nt perso nalities. Ultima te ly , every campaign he was in charge of was a success. The war was won, and a part of that is due to Eisenhower's military career and leadership. Secondly, Dwight D. Eisenhowe r was a great president . In 1953 , he was inaugurated as the 34th President of the United States. He was good at nearly everything he undertook, and being president was no differe nt. For example, "Eisenhowe r was able to inspire considerable Doe 2 trust and confidence, and to help stabilize a nd calm the country" (Gilbert 1). He accomplishe d many important things during his term , such as balancing the budget, keeping the country out of war, and enacting legisla tio n for interstate highwa ys. His presidency went so well he was elected to serve a second term despite worsening health. Eisenhower is well remembered as a president, and justly so. Lastly, Eisenhowe r was a good writer . He was known as being very good at writing reports during his Army days, and he graduated first in his class from the prestigio us Army War College. He ghostwrote a boo klet on battle monume nts that had General Pershing’s name as the author. Eisenhower retired from the U.S. Army in 1948 to focus on writing. Soon the memoir he had written , Crusade in Europe, about his time as Supreme Allied Commander , became a bestseller ( Boyle 12) . The book is a fascinating look into the mind of the man who made some very important decisions during World War II. For all of these reasons, Dwight D. Eisenhowe r deserves to be remembered as an American hero and an important historica l figure. He was a general, president, and writer. Granted, the United States has had a plethora of writers, many generals, and a handful of presidents , but Eisenho wer is one of the rare ones who encompassed all three roles. It would be hard to find a person with ev en a passing knowledge of U.S. history who had not at heard of his name and the impact he had on this country. Eisenhowe r was a humble hero, and he is an inspiratio n to patriotic Americans everywhere. Doe 3 Works Cited Ambrose, Stephen E. "Eisenho wer's Gen eralship. " Parameters , vol. 40, no. 4, 2011, pp. 90 -98 , ProQuest Central; SciTech Premium Collection , https://searc h -proq uest - com.ezproxy2.ap us. ed u/doc view/867412831?acco untid=8289. Accessed 06DEC2017. Boyle, P G. Eisenhower , Taylor and Francis, 2004. ProQuest Ebook Central , https://ebookce ntra l -proq uest - com.ezproxy1.ap us. ed u/lib/ap us/de ta il.actio n?docID=4185965 . Accessed 08DEC2017. Gilbert, Robert E. "Eisenhowe r's 1955 Heart Attack." Politics & the Life Sciences , vol. 27, no. 1, Mar. 2008, pp. 2 -21. EBSCO host , m/lo gin.asp x?d irec t=true&db=ap h&AN=34906464&site=e host - live&scope=site. Accessed 06DEC2017.