TWO QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED; 2 PARAGRAPHS PER QUESTIONS CASE STUDY ATTACHED ON WORD DOCUMENT  QUESTION 1)  As you develop ideas about your selected case study, consider the role of ethical reasoning

Situation Two You are on the executive committee of the XYZ organization of health care professionals. Each year the committee gives an award to one of its members who displays high moral character in his or her work. This year you are among the four judges for the award. There is some disagreement among the judges, however, about what constitutes a good person. The judges, besides yourself, are Ms. Smith, Mrs. Taylor, and Mr. Jones. The candidates for the award are Mr. Big and Mrs. Little. Ms. Smith says that the award should go to Mr. Big because he saved a man from drowning. However, Mr. Jones demurred, saying that Mr. Big’s motives are suspect because the man he saved was in the midst of a very big financial deal with Mr. Big. If the man had been allowed to drown, Mr. Big would have lost a lot of money. Ms. Smith said motives are not important but that the goodness of the act counts and the man who was saved runs a big business in town. Many people besides Mr. Big would have been hurt if he had not saved the man. Mr. Jones said the award should go to Mrs. Little because she performed a kind act of charity in chairing the town’s United Way Campaign this last year. Surely such an act could not be said to benefit Mrs. Little in any way (unlike Mr. Big). Mrs. Taylor says that she is somewhat unsure about either Mr. Big or Mrs. Little because both of them have been recommended on the basis of a single good act. Mrs. Taylor believed that it would be better to choose a candidate who has shown over time to have performed many good actions and to be of good character. “After all,” she said, “a single swallow does not make a spring.” Mr. Jones and Ms. Smith scratched their heads at this remark and turned to you. Who is right? Describe how each ethical theory might approach this situation. Which one is most consonant to your own worldview, and why?