Here’s an example of an incubator in the Dayton area (Links to an external site.) (we saw a video on this place (Links to an external site.) earlier in the module). Search for an incubator that could

Part 1: Small Business I chose

Type of business: BikeWise


  • Business name: BikeWise

  • Website (if exists):

  • Description of products/services: Provide maintenance and also sale bikes

  • Mission: Our Mission is Simple.
    Spread the love of bicycling. It’s at the center of our logo! We want you to enjoy your ride every single time you get on your bike. Our expert staff are trained to help you meet all of your cycling dreams. 

  • Location(s): Located at 11 W. Church St in Uptown Oxford, Ohio

  • Estimated number of employees: 5 people

  • List of competitors: Walmart, West Trails Bicycles

  • Why did you pick this business: BikeWise is the only bicycle shop in Oxford. The owner gave up his music career and return to this town to this bicycle shop.

Part 2: Roles of a small business consultant

One of the tasks is to organize and implement the given projects of the institution on behalf of customers as depending on the needs of the client. Meeting the respective customers in case of any requirement and do the starting evaluation of the problem (Julien, P. A. 2018).

The consultant also works closely with the customer on the strategy, organizing and finding answers to the problem.

The consultant also comes up with business ideas that are viable for the client. The consultant also advises on the skills and educates the client about the business. When someone calls him or herself a business consultant, the society, in general, understands that he or she can help them solve business problems and help them come up with new and viable business ideas (Biech E. 2019).


Biech, E. (2019). The New Business of Consulting: The Basics and Beyond. John Wiley & Sons.

Julien, P. A. (2018). The state of the art in small business and entrepreneurship. Routledge.