3. Mapping Consumer Digital Journey (30% of the unit mark) (Due in week 9 by 10th May 2019) Mapping a consumer purchase journey is an effective method for marketers to improve customer experiences. M

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Internet Marketing

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Mapping Consumer Digital Journey


This analysis will report on Sarpino’s Singapore website.


The owner Gerry Koutougos opened the first store of Sarpino’s pizzeria in 2001 and it was based in Victoria, British Columbia. The name has its origin from Italy when Gerry was on a vacation in 1999 and he went to a restaurant where the owner’s name was Sarpina. Soon after the first year of the pizzeria’s opening, it had almost 20 stores operating across America. By 2013 it had 47 stores across 6 states in America and it expanded to 65 stores in different locations by the end of 2014 (Revolvy 2019). Providing the customers with the fresh authentic Italian and Mediterranean dishes through many franchises and also it was an opportunity for Gerry to take this chain worldwide and give the customers fresh and original Italian food by the means of restaurants that deliver as well as can we taken away. Singapore’s first Sarpino’s opened in 2001 (Sarpinos 2019). Now Sarpino’s Singapore is the 3rd largest group of pizza restaurants operating in Singapore and the mission is to provide the best to its customers and no to become the biggest. The headquarters of Sarpino’s recently moved to Singapore with a vision of expanding this chain and entering the market of Asia (Sarpinos 2019).


Sarpinos’s has developed to be a modern brand in the pizza market and also, they have developed new portal for online ordering and also new telephone operating systems have been installed in order to make it a better experience for the customers. Their new Paytronix program that is associated with the new loyalty program has been launched. A new app for better delivery service for the customers has been launched and the app has features of tracking the rider and managing the time for delivery in a better way (QSR media 2017). At least 70% of the consumers in Singapore order food online once a month and the number are expected to rise in the coming future (Lim 2019). The market is always moving and always ready to grab the opportunities and specially in the food market where the competition is intense. With the changing taste and preferences of the customers it is hard to predict specially in the pizza market about a certain future and Sarpino’s are determined in doing what is best for the customers by using the best quality products and ingredients just to provide the best of the delivery service (QSR media 2017).

Target market

A target market has many variations and keeping these in mind Sarpino’s has targeted a range of customers involving the college students and young adults as it saves time for them and it is much more convenient for them to just order and get the food they want also, their knowledge about the technology is much more than the others. Other targeted customers are the working professionals. These professional’s majority being men are mostly busy and they hardly have time to think for dinner after work. It is pretty much convenient for them to just order (Branding 2017).

Purchase Process:

  1. Problem/Recognition

The customer must understand before the consumption of the service that the customer must have motivation to trust that what they need, where they need to be or how they see themselves or a circumstance is unique in relation to where they really are (Shane 2014). Soon after this the customer moves on the next step that is awareness. Now I am responsible on my part to see what my options are. As I categorize myself under college students target market (Branding 2017) I will automatically be engaged in ordering from Sarpino’s. Sarpino’s provides a variety of Italian dishes and also options for Mediterranean dishes. Sarpino’s also makes their dough fresh and uses excellent quality Italian ingredients (Sarpinos 2019). Seeing all these factors I will be well aware about the image of the brand.

  1. Information

Information can be a touch point for the awareness and engagement. It is the process

of finding and analyzing the website and all the products displayed in the website.

Also, the pop-up advertisements help in creating the awareness about the brand in the

mind of the customer. These ads are a kind of internet promoting where the point is to

advance a thing alongside expanding web traffic. At the point when a client interface

with those pop-up commercials, it builds the alertness of notices and decisions that

were unspecified. This prompts the touchpoint of engagement of the purchasers as

the buyer is self-governing interfacing with the site in inspecting the available

information. With relation to my order I would have personally chosen among the

different categories of pizza dishes available with the choice of customizing your own

pizza and the selection would be customizing my own pizza from the

customizing section at the website.

  1. Evaluation

The service being offered by Sarpinos’s has generally low risk in the market it is very suspicious that a shopper will overview another business to evaluate various options. Evaluation for this is identical to the evaluation of the item which the customer expects to buy. It is very possible that the client may lose commitment by essentially shutting the site window. Different components that customers may consider is particular "sides" which appears with every item decision. The sides may have options for drinks, cheese garlic breads, wings, poppers etc. For me I was inclined towards getting myself a promotion that was “2 for $22” i.e. 2 regular pizza for $22 alongside a 1.5L bottle of coke.

  1. Purchase Decision

The purchasing choice is one more touch point where a decision happens when the

customer picks the items; they wish to purchase (Stankevich 2017). On the Sarpinos

site, the moment customer picks a pizza a pop will show up demonstrating that the

cart has been refreshed and the client can keep including more things. Starting there

on the site, when a client picks a thing, they are just instructed to pick the decision of

delivery or self-pick up from the store. Clients additionally get the chance of giving

orders ahead of time, for instance at a particular time, alongside including sensitivity

notes of specific add ons in the pizza. Consequently, the client will be coordinated to

the page where the customer has choices of making the payments via different

methods such as payment by credit/debit card, cash on delivery and Pay Pal. I choose

to pay with my debit card in the credit/debit card section on the payment page.

  1. Post Purchase Behavior

One of the last touch points focuses that occurs after a buy is made is

"Reengagement". In the present and advanced word, the client buying journey may go

crosswise over various channels from devices and platforms to messages and internet-

based life communications and so on (Stankevich 2017). After ordering my pizza at

Sarpinos’s, different reengagement techniques were used in order to draw and

continue a positive relationship with the association and me. This was done through

different messages and e-mails sent to me offering distinctive kind of promotions

offers and deals alongside joining in the "Loyalty Club" to win rewards and much

more. What's more, when the order has been done the customer gets an option of

making it a favorite order and storing it as data for future purposes and also the order

is saved in the history of the account. I was already a member of the loyalty club at

Sarpinos and as a result I received a new voucher for a free chocolate churro with my

next order at Sarpinos.

3.Mapping the Digital Journey

Receive coupons and discount through your mails and check your account.

Need Recognition for the consumption


Going through the menu of Sarpinos


Close the pop-up ads.

See the promotion menu

Look for 2 at $22 promotion offer.

Select the promotion and customise your 2 pizzas.


Sign up for the loyalty program and receive online coupons.

Re Engage

Receive a confirmation email, which says your pizza order has been received

Track order with the help of the live pizza tracker

Get the message for confirmation of the order and provide the OTP

Check out with bank card.

Shut the ads again.

4.Critycal Analysis of the Customer Experience

Sarpinos was launched in Singapore in 2001 and the now it has around 13 outlets here in Singapore. It has not failed to attract the customers and their target market. Their freshly based menu with Italian dishes and freshly baked pizzas are a specialty itself. Keeping the cost low of their menu has been a strategy for them and they are keen on keeping it. Their social media presence hasn’t been much recognized lately but they are working on it. Their target market responds to the social media platform advertisements and branding. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram can be helpful in increasing awareness about Sarpinos on social media and create a place for themselves in the market. Customers are majorly active on these platforms and promotions and discounts offered will initiate positive views in the minds of customer and maybe start the buying process.

The initial introduction which the clients have about the site is consistency, the simplicity of using an organized and composed website. The way everything is composed, from ordering the pizza, customizing the requests or even the way to pay at the desired page, everything is extremely appealing to the eyes. This way it helps supporting client commitment and assembles the likeliness for the customer to decide on a buy. The striking shades of explicit images on the site develop against the completed dim foundation, which furthermore makes the moving images of the data progressively self-evident. As a customer, this piece of the site arrangement progressed further commitment and engagement into the website.

With further engagement with the site, Sarpinos uses a push advertising strategy to encourage extra things to a request demand. This push advertising happens at a different proportion of times all through a customers' inclusion with a movement to recognize or deny for the wellbeing of purchasers to continue with the request for the product. Such ads engage an overwhelming piece of the screen to pass on a charming picture at any rate it enables the customer to see it. From various perspectives, this technique can benefit Sarpinos on account of the needs it may move to make a buy, yet from a client's perspective, this relentless obstacle in the buying procedure can prompt negative influence on the client and encourage negative views.

Another viewpoint in the site which I observed to be negative was the site expels the client from the request demand process, if the client leaves the page inactive for a particular timeframe. A message springs up saying that your session has lapsed and afterward the client will need to fill in every one of the details about eh order again in order to begin the request again. For me, I didn't feel as sincere to return and fill in my details again since I may have lost, or the session may have terminated while I was surfing through the web but that’s my viewpoint and the seller’s point of view it was a procedure or a rule being followed as it concerns privacy issues of the customer’s account being misused.

My overall experience can be divided into two factors. The first being the convenience of ordering a customized pizza for myself with the choice of toppings and the crust I wanted and the delivery time being very less when compared to other pizza deliveries. Being a student my desire for a fresh pizza was fulfilled by Sarpinos and the food quality was not compromised and also the delivery for the pizza can be made until 11:00 Pm at night. All these factors include and sum up in making my experience at the website engaging and interactive.


Creating personal accounts for customers

Customizing your pizzas could be a very tiring and time-consuming procedure, so making individual accounts for the clients could be exceptionally persuading and ease in the buying process for the customers. Where in every one of the details of the past orders are saved in the system and the account alongside the details of the payment type. This can incredibly help in improving effectiveness and expanding reliability of the clients. In spite of the fact that Sarpinos provides a comparable support of this, a utilizing trend setting innovation and progressively intelligent programming, clients get the chance of having their very own orders in the database. This helps customers not having to encounter the same process of ordering and customizing each time they wish to make an online order. By having personal accounts, clients can sign in whenever, check in their request history or request their own altered pizza all the more capably. Furthermore, clients can likewise get messages with respect to the most recent activities and things going on. Such steps help the brands in creating the loyalty towards the customers and engaging the customer with the brand and creating brand awareness.

Promotions on Social Media Platforms

Web-based social networking has facilitated unparalleled development in human cooperation in present day times. This new media has grabbed the eye of organizations, networks and people through their capacity to encourage the coordinated effort of virtual networks and to give a profitable environment to common sharing and communication. The appropriation of web-based social networking for promoting by enterprises worldwide is on the ascent. Numerous companies today have official Facebook pages, Twitter accounts just as corporate sites. All these are signs that web-based life has turned into an essential piece of consumers‟ day by day lives just as the everyday tasks of corporate associations (Ohajionu and Mathews 2019). A survey indicates that 7 in 10 Singaporeans use social media on their mobile and

spend lots and lots of time browsing through he various different platforms (Tan 2017). Platforms like Facebook and Instagram can be helpful in increasing awareness about Sarpinos on social media and create a place for themselves in the market. Customers are majorly active on these platforms and promotions and discounts offered will initiate positive views in the minds of customer and maybe start the buying process. Also, advertisement’s on YouTube should be used to attract the customers.

Reference list

Branding, Anthem. 2018. "3 Target Audiences To Market Your Meal Delivery Service To". Medium. https://medium.com/@anthembranding_boulder/3-target-audiences-to-market-your-meal-delivery-service-to-a4f18e353527.

Jones, Shane. 2014. "The Six Stages Of The Consumer Buying Process And How To Market To Them". Business 2 Community. https://www.business2community.com/consumer-marketing/six-stages-consumer-buying-process-market-0811565.

Lim, Sean. 2019. "70% Of Singapore Consumers Order From Food Delivery Apps At Least Once A Month – And Most Are Spending More Money In Recent Years". Business Insider Singapore. https://www.businessinsider.sg/70-of-singapore-consumers-order-from-food-delivery-apps-at-least-once-a-month-and-most-are-spending-more-money-in-recent-years/.

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Revolvy, LLC. 2019. ""Sarpino's Pizzeria" On Revolvy.Com". Revolvy.Com. https://www.revolvy.com/page/Sarpino%27s-Pizzeria.

Sarpinos. 2019. "Our Story - Sarpino's Singapore | Order Online Or Call 66-36-36-36". Sarpino's Singapore | Order Online Or Call 66-36-36-36. https://sarpinos.com/sg/our-story/.

Stankevich, Alina. 2017. "Explaining The Consumer Decision-Making Process: Critical Literature Review". JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS RESEARCH AND MARKETING 2 (6): 7-14. doi:10.18775/jibrm.1849-8558.2015.26.3001.

Tan, Angela. 2017. "7 In 10 Singaporeans Use Social Media On Mobile, Double Global Average: Survey". The Business Times. https://www.businesstimes.com.sg/consumer/7-in-10-singaporeans-use-social-media-on-mobile-double-global-average-survey.