Wellness Evaluation Lab 1.1 Learning how to manage personal lifestyle choices is known as the self-help approach. This approach assumes that individuals can control some aspects of the environment t

"Evaluating your total wellness level on the wellness continuum"

Use your grand total score (i.e., sum of each of the eight components of wellness) to determine where you stand on the total wellness scale (see below). If you scored below excellent on the continuum of total wellness, one or more aspects of your lifestyle needs behavior modification. Use the information to identify specific health behaviors that need to be modified to improve your overall wellness.

Component of Wellness Ideal Score Your Score Wellness Rating

Physical Wellness 76 40 Needs Improvement

Social Wellness 20 14 Good

Emotional Wellness 32 22 Good

Intellectual Wellness 16 12 Good

Environmental Wellness 20 8 Needs Improvement

Spiritual Wellness 12 11 Excellent

Occupational Wellness 8 6 Good

Financial Wellness 16 12 Good

Total Wellness Score-115

"Scores of 80–119: needs improvement If your total points are within the needs improvement range, many of your health practices are below average and you are taking unnecessary health risks. Clearly, behavior modification is required to improve your overall level of wellness."

Physical Wellness is not necessarily a focus in my day to day life. I don’t take the time out to workout weekly but I do enjoy eating foods from all the food groups. I thoroughly enjoy eating salads, fruit, and vegetables. However, I eat just as many sweets and processed foods as I do healthy food. The job that I have requires me to have to walk anywhere from 6 to 8 hours during my 8 to sometimes 14-hour shift. This does give me the daily physical activity that I need. Consuming alcohol and tobacco Is not healthy for me at all but it is the coping mechanisms that I currently use daily to deal with stress. I don’t get an ideal amount of sleep as my commute to work and work hours takes up pretty much all of my day. I usually wake up to get ready for work (9am -10am) and then get off so late (between 11pm and sometimes 3 am) that I struggle to get home and not be too tired to do my school work plus get enough sleep.

Social Wellness is not necessarily a focus in my daily life either. However, I do have friends and family that I interact with regularly and am able to express my feelings, thoughts, and emotions to an extent. I have always been the person that my friends and family depend on for support so It makes me feel as if I always have to be strong and not depend on any support from them.

Emotional Wellness is something that I work to have balance in as I am able to not let my thoughts outway my emotions. I like to evaluate my emotions and use logic to address my emotions.

Intellectual Wellness is something that I focus on as I have a constant interest in learning new things so that I can be a better servant leader. The shortcoming in this area is that I get so overwhelmed or my time is so focused on working that I struggle in trying to balance my occupational wellness with anything else.

Environmental Wellness is not a focus of mine and probably the area that I focus least and my score reflects that. I don’t recycle or protect myself against environmental hazards.

Spiritual Wellness is a big focus in my life. Spirituality and the belief in god or a higher power has been instilled in me growing up and has continued throughout my adulthood. I embrace my spirituality by praying, listening to gospel music, and interacting in church. I would like to attend church more and get involved in more church activities but again I work so much that this hasn’t happened.

Occupational Wellness is a large focus of my life and it always has been. However, the focus in this area has been to the point where it affects other areas of my life greatly because I spend so much time and energy towards work. It causes me to lack in balancing work with other parts of my life and things like my intellectual wellness suffer. I have always been satisfied with working in the healthcare field and have always had a passion for it. I enjoy interacting with co-workers and classmates. I also feel like my major will provide me with additional skills and tools to excel more in the healthcare field.

Financial Wellness is a large focus of my life as well. I’ve always been able to budget my money very well. The struggle in this area has been in the last two years because I’ve lost two jobs and quit one job. Which has put me in a state of financial struggle during those periods of time. However, I still was able to budget and balance the money that I had saved so that I could maintain my bills until I was able to find another job.