In this final assignment, you will develop a paper that reviews some of the main topics covered in the course. Compose an essay to address the elements listed below. Identify the components of an info

In addition to your initial in-depth topic, you are expected to reply to a minimum of 2 or more other student posts. Please understand, you will be expected to provide detail to both the initial and the follow up posts. When responding to other students, add to the discussion. No points will be given for comments such as "Good Job" or "That is interesting."  You must add information to the subject matter that can be commented on and adds to the overall discussion. 

Jeremy Fowler

Protein is an essential part of our daily life, it is what allows the body to rebuild virtually every part of the body from muscle to hair. It is critical to include an appropriate amount of protein each day to stay healthy while keeping in mind the source. Protein is made of several different amino acids, some of which our body produces and others that must be brought in though our diet. There are numerous sources of protein to chose from, some with more benefits that others. Examples of these sources are meats like beef, poultry, fish, pork, and vegetables such as beans, rice, soy, nuts, eggs. Each of these options provide a good source of protein but meets like red meat, processed or not, carry risks with them. Red meat though a great source of protein also contains saturated fats which can carry and array of issues like increased risk for hear disease, cancer, even type 2 diabetes. Due to the saturated fat within red meats increased LDL, or bad cholesterol, has been found to increase risk of heart disease by as much as 20% for as little as 1.5 ounces of read meat ingested on a regular bases.  In contrast eating foods like nuts, beans, and fish can serve to decrease your risk or heart disease and other risks involved with red meat. These food sources are also much safer for the environment, producing less emissions per gram of protein.

With an average required intake of approximately 5 to 6 ounces of protein required each day its important to make the right choices. Fish and poultry are great sources of protein for meat eaters because of how lean they are. Fish often offers added benefit like high content of beneficial fats and its low impact on the environment when compared to red meat. For vegetarians nuts, beans, and rice are a great but do not always include complete proteins. Vegetarians and vegans must have a diverse diet to be sure and incorporate many different amino acids to form complete proteins our bodies require. Non meat eaters must also pay close attention to incorporate other essentials like B12 which is primarily found in meat.



Harvard School of Public Health "What Should I Eat"

Harvard Womens Health Watch "Is a vegetarian or vegan diet for you?" 2014

Department of Agriculture "10 Tips: Vary Your Protein Routine" 2016


Beverly May Rebultan

Carbohydrate choices

              Carbohydrates function is to provide energy. An excess of carbohydrate intake is associated with higher blood sugar levels that may lead to diabetes. Most common types are type I( body doesn't produce insulin), Type II(body doesn't use insulin properly),which is a common form of diabetes. Gestational diabetes which the body produce elevated glucose in the blood during pregnancy. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas which regulates the amount of glucose in the blood. This condition can be managed by eating healthy carbohydrates. The dietary guidelines for Americans recommends that carbohydrate makes up to 45 to 65% of your daily calories. A great example is eating whole grain instead of refined grain. Refined grain undergo more modification that involves removal of the bran and the germ, giving less nutrients. Switching to fruits and nuts for your snacks instead of ice cream and cookies that has added sugar, consuming low fat dairy products that are a good source of calcium and other nutrients, eating beans, peas and lentils will limit intake of saturated fat and calories. With proper diet ,regular exercise and by living a healthy lifestyle can help you reduce the risk of heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

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Fat choices:

Trans fat

                 Trans fat has two types that can be found in foods, naturally occurring , that can be found in meat and dairy products),such as beef, lamb and butterfat, and artificial trans fat, that can be found in processed food, fast food and junk foods, are created in an industrial process that adds hydrogen to liquid vegetable to make them solid, it gives a desirable taste and texture.,some commercial chain they try to use oil many times which post major health problems( Eating vegetable at least 2 1/2 to 3 cups daily is important, are not just nutritious but has a lot of benefits such as lowering down calories ,it can help fight cancer, benefits for the eyes, has potassium that lower blood pressure and lower the risk of type II diabetes. Trans fat lower your good (HDL )cholesterol level and raise your (LDL) cholesterol levels. Replacing  bad fat(saturated and trans fat) with healthier fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated ) is good for your heart. Poor healthy habits, low in daily physical activity can reduce quality of life and increase health care cost.

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Protein choices:

Vegetarian and Vegan diet

Protein groups are foods made from poultry,seafood,beans and peas,eggs,nuts and seeds. Amount of food from protein depends on age,sex, and level of physical activity. One of the common diet method on eating healthy is the Vegetarian diet, that avoids eating meat, poultry, fish, and by products of animals. The most common types are: Lacto-ovo vegetarian, they avoid animal flesh, but do consume dairy and egg products. Lacto-vegetarian, they avoid animal flesh and eggs, but they consume dairy products. Ovo-vegetarian ,they avoid all animal products except eggs. Vegans, who avoid all animals and animal derived by products. Vegetarian and vegans may exclude meat from their diet for health, environment and belief concerns. In terms of ethics they are opposed to killing animals, but for vegetarian and vegans,eggs and dairy is okay to consume. Vegetarians are tend to be low in cholesterol and saturated fat by not eating protein derived from meat. Vegetarians tend to eat foods like fruits, vegetable, whole grains, nuts, seeds and soy products,that are high in vitamins, minerals, fiber and heathy plant compound. But Being a vegetarian could result in low intake of iron, calcium, zinc , limited amount of B12 and omega 3 fatty acids. A Vegan Diet is more likely to cause nutrient deficiency if it is not planned well, consult a doctor if it is the right diet for you, there are also supplements that can help to replace some nutrients. In my opinion being a vegetarian will take a lot of patience and long term commitment but will benefit in a lot of ways, like anti aging, longevity of life ,a sound mind and body, and reduce risks of health problem.

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