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Event Management

Foundation Assignment

Read the instructions for this assignment on the FSO platform before completing this template. Type of the <Type here> prompts.

Student Name:

Event Name:

Event Vision:

In 2-3 statements sum up the elevator pitch for your selected event. The pitch should be written in the third person and specifically about the event.

Hint – Start your initial statement with the name/title of the event.

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Event Goals:

(What is the purpose of the event?)

List at least two goals for your event.

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Event Objectives:

(What are the expected outcomes of the event?)

List at least three measurable objectives for your event.

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Target Audience Breakdown:

Group #1: Who wants to attend?

Requirement: Properly cited & referenced research to support demographics, psychographics and geography. A minimum of three (3) references are required to support this section.


Age Range (5-year gap):


Race/Ethnicity (for the majority of the expected attendees):

Individual Income Level:

Family Life-Cycle:

Education Level:

Rent or Own:

Who do they live with? Alone, Roommates, Partner, Family

Occupation: (If they are in school, then their occupation is ‘student’.)


What magazine would they likely read?

Which websites do they visit?

What genre of music, movie or video games to they prefer?

What store do they shop in for clothing?:

Where do they dine (in/out)? If out, where?:

How would they spend $100 over the course of a weekend, if given the opportunity?:

Geography: (Focus on the actual geography, DO NOT refer to venue.)

In what city will the event be held? (Example: Orlando)

What part of the city will the event be held? (Example: College Park)

Explain why this would be the best location for this particular event and target audience.


What differentiates this event from similar events?

What differentiates this event from anything else that the target audience may prefer to do?

What’s in it for group #1?

Group #2: Who do you want to attend?

Who would receive complimentary access to the event in an effort to benefit the event?

Hint – Friends, family, or other segments of group #1 should not be listed.

Additional Information:

What are some of your ideas to generate revenue for the event? (actual figures are not needed)

What type of venue would suit the needs for this event? Explain.

Consider amenities, set-up, capacity, décor, and the vibe of potential venues.

What is the preferred time of year to host the event? Explain.

Consider the following:

-How the time of year affects the schedules of the target audience.

- Other industry events.

- Seasonality of the subject matter.

DO NOT take specific dates into account, this should be based on the time of year that is best to host the event.

Will sponsorship be considered? Why or why not.
