Need by Tomorrow Morning This week’s What’s Your Input had you vote for a bias appearing in a story.  However, why did you make your selection?  Also, can you support your selection?  Share the ratio

Post 1

I think in the first picture the dr was excited about doing a good job with her patient and finishing on time. In the second picture the Dr was mad because she messed up and decided to blame it on her assistant saying she distracted her. In both photos the dr was all for her self. She didn’t congratulate her assistant for helping her do a good job and finishing on time with her patient. She decided to celebrate herself. Then in the second picture she didn’t own up to her mistake she blamed it all on the assistant. That is why I chose self biased. 

Post 2

On the picture on the left, the doctor is patting herself on the back for doing a good job. The picture on the right is showing the doctor blaming the nurse for making her make a mistake. This is a prime example of self-serving bias. According to Alice Boyes on psychology today it says that self- serving bias is "People's tendency to attribute positive events to their own character but attribute negative events to external factors. It's a common type of cognitive bias that has been extensively studied in social psychology."  Found this from 

Boyes, Alice. (2013 January, 09) The Self-Serving Bias - Definition, Research, and Antidotes - Retreived from