For this assignment, describe and analyze the US Patriot Act, as it relates to Domestic Terrorism in the United States and create a recommended course of action for an organization. The Policy Analysi



The Week 4 Policy Analysis and Procedures Assignment is designed to take the subject matter of the previous Academic Journal Article Critique Assignment and incorporate it into recommended policy and procedures that an organization could use to address the problem or issue. For this assignment, students will select a policy- or procedural-related academic or trade article, chapter, or manual from the criminal justice or homeland security fields, describe and analyze it, and create a recommended course of action for an organization.

The Policy Analysis and Procedures Assignment will consist of at 3-4 double spaced pages (excluding title page, abstract, and references). Students will use at least 2 references (Wikipedia CANNOT be used as a reference). The structure of the assignment will include the following:

  1. Title Page

  2. Introduction

  3. Policy Review

  4. Analysis

  5. Discussion

  6. Procedural Recommendations

  7. Conclusion

  8. References

The quality of the paper will be graded according to the following Grading Rubric:

Criteria (27 total points)

Exceeds Standards

Meets Standards

Below Standards

Not Present

3 Points

2 Points

1 Point

0 Points

Policy selection

Clarifies and analyzes the underlying assumptions and effectiveness of the current policy, including, effects on and roles of key stakeholders. Assesses the efficiency of the current policy. References are used and include a minimum of 1 academic citation and 1 trade citation.

Discussion is focused and generally well-organized, connecting ideas appropriately. Analysis of policy is missing. Only 1 reference is used.

Is adequately focused and organized, but does not assess the efficiency of the current policy. No references are used.

Not present


3 Points

2 Points

1 Point

0 Points

Introduction - Student thoroughly introduces the topic and tells the reader what to expect.

Introduction - Student introduces the topic and somewhat tells the reader what to expect.

Introduction - Student somewhat introduces the topic or fails to properly tell the reader what to expect.

Not present

Discussion of policy problem

3 Points

2 Points

1 Point

0 Points

Effectively applies a description of the research problem is provided.

Applies some concepts of the research problem.

Includes interesting and appropriate examples.

Does not apply correct concepts from the literature. Does not provide appropriate examples.

Not present

Policy Environment

3 Points

2 Points

1 Point

0 Points

Evaluative review of the policy is included. All relevant legislative, judicial, and regulatory policy factors affecting the policy are addressed. Ambiguities, conflicts, problems, and contradictions related to the policies are explained.

Explains the factors impacting the policy with logically sound reasons and/or well-chosen examples.

Explains most of the factors impacting the policy with relevant reasons and/or examples.

No article selected or


3 points

2 points

1 point

0 points

The topic is clearly presented and discussed in detail. Key terms are defined as needed. Complex issues are navigated with precision. Effectively applies concepts from appropriate literature.

Includes interesting and appropriate examples.

The topic is presented and discussed appropriately. Key terms are defined as needed. Complex issues are recognized. Applies some concepts from the appropriate literature.

Includes interesting and appropriate examples.

The topic is unclear or fairly clear but discussed too broadly or does not meet expectations.

Complex issues are overlooked or handled without care. Does not apply proper concepts from the literature. Does not provide appropriate examples.

Not Present

Contributions and Conclusion/ Recommendat ions

3 Points

2 Points

1 Point

0 Points

Contributions to the literature are discussed in detail along with a brief discussion of conclusions/recommendations. The conclusion is strong and

Provides some contributions to the literature. Somewhat discusses in detail a discussion of

Does not apply contributions to the literature. Does not provided a brief discussion of

Not present

clearly summarizes the research presented in the body of the paper.

conclusions/recommendatio ns. The conclusion summarizes the research presented in the body of the paper.

conclusions/recommend ations. The conclusion summarizes the research presented in the body of the paper.

Quality of Writing

3 Points

2 Points

1 Point

0 Points

Uses precise terminology. Writing is clear and flows in a logical procession. Writing is free of mechanical errors.

Generally, uses accurate and precise terminology. Writing has minor errors.

Uses imprecise or inaccurate terminology Writing has major mechanical errors.

Not present


3 points

2 points

1 point

0 points

No grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors are present. Voice and person are used correctly and consistently, active voice.

Writing is precise. Word choice is appropriate. Student has proper page count 5 double-spaced pages and references.

Few grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors are present. Voice and person are used correctly, active voice. Writing style is sufficient. Word choice is adequate. Student has 70% of the proper page count of 5 double-spaced pages and references.

Several grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors are present. Voice and person are used inconsistently, use of passive voice. Word choice is generally good. Student has less than 70% of the proper page count of 5 double- spaced pages and references.

Not Present

APA Format

3 points

2 points

1 point

0 points

Citations and format are in current APA style. Main body and references are correctly formatted. Paper is double- spaced with 1-inch margins and written in 12-point Times New Roman font.

Citations and format are in current APA style with few errors. Main body and references are present with few errors. Paper is double- spaced with 1-inch margins and written in 12-point Times New Roman font.

Citations and format are not in current APA style though several errors are present. Main body and references are included though several errors are present. Paper is double- spaced, but margins or fonts are incorrect.

Not Present

Points-to-Grade Conversion

The points you earn on this activity will be converted to a letter grade in accordance to the chart below.

A (27-25 points); B (24-22 points); C (21-19 points); F (18-0 points)