question: write an Application Reflection Paper (see the tutorials and assignment packet for guidelines) and use this prompt as your guide: After watching/listening to this service call gone wrong, pl

Theory Application Reflection Papers & Discussion Board Responses

Since we only meet once a week, we must spend the other “class time” online thinking critically about the course content and theoretical applications. We measure this with discussion board interactions and reflection papers. I have summarized the expectations below.

Theory Application Reflection Papers:

Your reflection papers are part of the online Canvas learning process; there will be a question or prompt that may utilize a video, podcast, or online article, or you may be tasked to do something like visit a website, or observe a particular theory in your environment. You will need to apply a given theory or concept from your text to apply and analyze. These papers are intended to reflect critical thinking and the ability to apply theoretical concepts.

What constitutes a good reflection paper?

A good reflection paper will be written in solid essay format. This includes a good introduction (including a thesis), an organized body, and a concise conclusion. Your reflection should directly address the prompt provided and demonstrate that you interacted with the given artifact, if provided (such as you actually listened to the podcast or watched the video).

In the analysis, please define the theory as defined by the book and cite the author. Then discuss the theory in your own words providing your own examples as you see the theory illustrated in the world around you. Then offer ample examples to explain, discuss, and define the theory as guided by the discussion prompt.

How long is a reflection paper?

Although I grade on quality, not quantity, a good reflection response will be around 3-4 pages in length.

Having trouble? Not getting the grade you want? Not achieving the level of understanding you wish?

If you are having a difficult time understanding the reflection assignments or you are not receiving a grade that you wish, please see me in my office. We can look at past reflection responses that might assist in your approach.

Also, I highly recommend the writing lab on campus. They can help with sentence structure, organization, grammar, and how to articulate in written form.