hi, need help to write a script for the video (simple words) Part 1: Future Success (100 words) What do we need to be successful (Learning Agility) )text -- Part 2: Living in a VUCA World (100 wor

Assessment 1 model

Developing ideas, showing evaluation and delivery (using your voice)

Developing ideas

Read the following extract from a student’s video presentation. Which of the following parts of the task is it answering?

  1. Describe how you think about the future.

  2. With examples, describe how VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) your world is and what you need to do to overcome challenges.

  3. Think about how your mental models might affect the way you see your environment and the future.

“(1) I’m not really sure how uncertain my environment is. (2) One the one hand, I keep hearing about how things are changing all the time, and I can see that happening. (3) For example, every year the roads seem busier and there are always new buildings going up. (4) I also hear many people talking about how different things will be in the future. (5) For instance, the other day my family were discussing how in the future there will be new types of jobs which we do not even have now. (6) These all sometimes make me feel that the future is very uncertain. (7) However, when I think more about my local environment, I’m not so sure. (8) It seems much more stable and predictable. (9) For example, my brother has been working in the same job since he left college 10 years ago. (10) He really likes it and is very happy where he is. So I’m really not sure how uncertain my future will be.

Developing your ideas

One of the things you need to do in this assessment is make sure you develop your ideas. This will involve you presenting more general and specific ideas. Using the paragraph above put a cross on the chart below showing how general or specific each sentence is. The first two sentences have been done for you.

General Some kind of shape like this will do (‘semantic wave’) where the move from general to specific and back up to general again

x x x

x x x x

x x x x


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Showing how you feel about the ideas

Look at the extract again. Something else you can do to improve your grade is to evaluate the ideas. That means to show how strongly you feel about something. The speaker used the following words to do this. The examples can be divided into two groups Practice this with a partner

“I’m not really sure how uncertain my environment is. One the one hand, I keep hearing about how things are changing all the time, and I can see that happening. For example, every year the roads seem busier and there are always new buildings going up. I also hear many people talking about how different things will be in the future. For instance, the other day my family were discussing how in the future there will be new types of jobs which we do not even have now. These all sometimes make me feel that the future is very uncertain. However, when I think more about my local environment, I’m not so sure. It seems much more stable and predictable. For example, my brother has been working in the same job since he left college 10 years ago. He really likes it and is very happy where he is. So I’m really not sure how uncertain my future will be.

Group A- Emphasis

Group B- Frequency






All the time



Delivery- using your voice

When you deliver your presentation you can improve your mark just by using your voice more effectively. This can involve pausing and word stress.


Where would you pause to breath? Break up the following to help the listener follow. The first two sentences have been done for you. Complete the rest.

I’m not really sure / how uncertain my environment is. / One the one hand, / I keep hearing about / how things are changing all the time, /and I can see that happening. For example, every year the roads seem busier and there are always new buildings going up. I also hear many people talking about how different things will be in the future. For instance, the other day my family were discussing how in the future there will be new types of jobs which we do not even have now. These all sometimes make me feel that the future is very uncertain. However, when I think more about my local environment, I’m not so sure. It seems much more stable and predictable. For example, my brother has been working in the same job since he left college 10 years ago. He really likes it and is very happy where he is. So I’m really not sure how uncertain my future will be.

Word stress

In each piece (chunk) one word is emphasized. This is usually the word with the most meaning. Identify the word in each chunk. The first two sentences have been done for you.

I’m not really sure / how uncertain my environment is. / One the one hand, / I keep hearing about / how things are changing all the time, /and I can see that happening. For example, every year the roads seem busier and there are always new buildings going up. I also hear many people talking about how different things will be in the future. For instance, the other day my family were discussing how in the future there will be new types of jobs which we do not even have now. These all sometimes make me feel that the future is very uncertain. However, when I think more about my local environment, I’m not so sure. It seems much more stable and predictable. For example, my brother has been working in the same job since he left college 10 years ago. He really likes it and is very happy where he is. So I’m really not sure how uncertain my future will be.ces the speaker makes regarding what meanings they would like to emphasize.