Case Study (Nature of Organisational Change) Length: 2500 Words (+/-10%) excluding ref. list In this assessment task, you will analyse the Lakeland Wonders case. In particular, you will analyse the na

Case Study (Nature of Organisational Change)

Value: 35%

Due Date: 13-Sep-2019

Return Date: 09-Oct-2019

Length: 2500 Words (+/-10%) excluding ref. list

Submission method options: Alternative submission method


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In this assessment task, you will analyse the Lakeland Wonders case. In particular, you will analyse the nature of an organisational change project, taking into account the reasons for this change, and provide alternative solutions. You will also utilise frameworks to analyse the need for change and organisational culture that has an impact on change.

This assessment is based on Topics 1, 3, and 4 of the subject. The Lakeland Wonders case study is also available in the Assessment Resources folder.


  1. Analyse the nature of the Lakeland Wonders organisational change project, taking into account the reasons for this change. (relates to Topic 1)

  2. Assess and explain the extent to which the change approach that has been adopted by Cheryl Hailstrom is appropriate to the organisational contexts in Lakeland Wonders. (relates to Topic 1)

  3. Are there gaps? Is there a different approach or combination of approaches that might have been better – based on the contexts for change that you have analysed? (relates to Topic 1)

  4. Critically apply either the PEST-based framework or the McKinsey 7S framework to analyse the need for change in Lakeland Wonders case. (relates to Topic 3)

  5. What type of organisational culture would you say is evident in the Lakeland Wonders case? Justify your argument. (relates to Topic 4)

Write approximately 500 words per answer

Use at least 10 recent academic and professional resources to support your argument. You must use the material covered in the subject as a starting point. We expect to see you engaging with this material effectively.


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Subject learning outcomes

This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

  • be able to identify and define organisational change.

  • be able to assess and explain reasons for organisational change and explain why these are contested.

  • be able to identify, examine and critically analyse approaches to organisational change, and assess the outcomes, from a range of theoretical perspectives.

Graduate learning outcomes

This task also contributes to the assessment of the following CSU Graduate Learning Outcome/s:

  • Academic Literacy and Numeracy (Knowledge) - CSU Graduates understand the use and structure of appropriate language in written, oral, visual, mathematical, and multi-modal communication.

  • Information and Research Literacies (Knowledge) - CSU Graduates demonstrate that disciplinary knowledge is developed through research and evidence.

  • Information and Research Literacies (Skill) - CSU Graduates demonstrate the skills required to locate, access and critically evaluate existing information and data.