Propose a topic for your final project. Use one of the topics from the list in this folder. Write 500 words or more explaining why this topic is important for your peers to understand. Be focused and
With different types of cloud service delivery, what are the different licensing requirements that an owner must be aware of when moving to the cloud.
Discuss Shared technology vulnerabilities in the cloud,
How does a customer know what software versions cloud providers are using? Without that knowledge how can they do a proper risk assessment?
What policies should be in place for users to help reduce cloud based threats.
How can a consumer evaluate the physical security of their cloud provider? What standards should apply. What external and internal barriers should be in place? What access controls? What sort of surveillance should be provided, power redundancy, and fire suppression? Is a service contract sufficient? Should physical inspection be available? What about physical location? Are their volcanoes, tornadoes, earthquakes or other natural disasters common? Is the site near political unrest? Access to water? Outside temperature? Is there a physical buffer? Should the walls be made of ballistic material to withstand explosions? Staffing
Discuss the four tiers of Uptime Institutes functional recommendations for physical security for data centers.
What is a hypervisor? Differentiate between type I and type II. What are the security vulnerabilities of each?
Which is better for security server virtualization or application isolation? Why?
What are desktop virtualization, storage virtualization, memory virtualization, network virtualization? What are the security issues and benefits for each
Global boundaries and the cloud - separating politics from security
The relationship of net neutrality and cloud security
Ensuring Proper Access Control in the Cloud?
Cloud security risks from misconfiguration
Cloud service interruptions from DDOS
Preventive controls for Internal (non-routable) security threats
Detective Controls for routable and non-routable addresses
How security zones, groups or domains have replaced traditional zones and tiers
On being a cloud broker -tasks and challenges
Trust boundaries and division of responsibilities
Elasticity effect on threat surface
How to insure that your cloud provider has appropriate detective and preventive controls in place
How to secure virtualization layer
Threats to the hypervisor
What hardening means
Top ten recommendations for securing virtual servers
Vulnerabilities resulting from web programming frameworks
Preventing attacks on web applications
The relationship between DOS attacks and your cloud invoice
Good browser hygiene and cloud security
Compartmentalization and isolation in virtual multi-tenant environments
Security standards in PaaS API design
Data Protection techniques under the The Data Accountability and Trust Act
Comparing block symmetric algorthms with streaming symmetric algorthms
Message authentication codes and hash functions.
Externalizing authentication: Trust Boundaries and IAM
Sustaining IAM with rapid turnover and job changes
IAM Compliance Management
Identity Federation Management
ISO 27001/27002
Vulnerability and Risk assessment
Incident response
What can we learn from CCID (Cloud Computing Incidents Database
Cloud Health monitoring (internal and 3rd party)
Reading a Cloud Security Provider agreement
Discussing the data life cycle in the context of cloud computing
Facebook’s new privacy initiative
Cloud Security and the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure