In Part 1 of your Final Project: Mitigation Plan, you selected a topic for mitigation and a developmental age group on which to focus. You also researched articles to help you identify diversity facto
Running head: BULLYING 0
Cyber Bullying
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Cyber bullying is bullying that occurs through digital gadgets such as mobile phones, PCs or tablets. It transpires on the social media sites, forums or gaming sites where people can view and participate in. it is done through sharing of negative, harmful or means content concerning another person. It purposes to humiliate or embarrass someone else through sharing their personal information (Kowalski, and Giumetti, 2017). This is an age group that is most attracted to online content and they spend most of their time on digital devices. The teenagers engage in bullying and harassments of their mates without considering the effects and the consequences of the act to the victim.
The topic on cyber bullying has become an international public health concern among the adolescents and as such, it needs further understanding. There are effects theatre associated with cyber bullying victims. Some of these effects include psychological effects. Some of the victims reported increased depressive effect, anxiety, loneliness, suicidal behaviour and somatic expressions. The teenagers are more exposed to digital context than any other age group (Yahner, DankZweig, and Lachman, 2015). They share most of their personal information with their friends through the social media platforms and the information they share is used against them in some occurrences. Currently, the teenagers share personal information than they should share which has been the root of the increased number of cyber bullying cases.
Cyber bullying has been linked to effects such as victimization and affective disorders. There is a significant relationship between cyber bullying and depression among adults. Most of the victims report feelings such as sadness, hopelessness, and powerlessness (Tian, Yan, and Huebner, 2018). They are deprived of their self-esteem and it is hard to engage with other people since they feel they are looked down upon every time they try engaging. It has also led to feelings of isolation and the victims have been linked to relationship problems. They also end up losing trust in others completely which could be a lifetime effect.
Kowalski, R. M., & Giumetti, G. W. (2017). Bullying in the digital age. In Cybercrime and its victims (pp. 167-186). Routledge.
Tian, L., Yan, Y., & Huebner, E. S. (2018). Effects of cyberbullying and cybervictimization on early adolescents' mental health: Differential mediating roles of perceived peer relationship stress. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 21(7), 429-436.
Yahner, J., Dank, M., Zweig, J. M., & Lachman, P. (2015). The co-occurrence of physical and cyber dating violence and bullying among teens. Journal of interpersonal violence, 30(7), 1079-1089.