Use the attached python notebook as a reference--> scania_failures.ipynb 1. Train a neural network to predict the class variable   2. Display the learning curve (Accuracy vs num of epochs) for 4 valu

Week 4

Part 1- (Write a response to the topic, no source, pls write your own word, around 250 words)

Animal species differ greatly in their sociality. Some species lead solitary lives, meeting up only to mate (leopards, moose, skunks). Other animals live in complex societies and collaborate on everything from raising young to defending territories (ants, termites, meerkats, antelopes). Can you think of some ways in which living in a group would increase an animal's fitness? Can you think of some ways it would decrease fitness? In general, what conditions would favor a solitary life over a social life?
Not sure what I'm asking? Here's another try:  Whether it is more advantageous to be solitary vs. social depends on the trade-offs, which vary across species. What do you think those trade-offs might be, and why would the best balance vary depending on factors like the abundance of food, the harshness of the environment (and the need for shelter), the ease of finding and keeping mates, the ease of keeping track of your offspring, the risk of predation, the risk of disease/parasites etc. Pick one factor, explain how that factor could affect sociality. Please provide your reasoning, and, if possible, an example.

Part 2- Answer the MC and Checkpoint Questions

Watch the video, and answer the question (1)

  1. To measure intelligence, the researchers observed whether

Top of Form

 A : an animal was able to move the box

 B : an animal was able to open the box

 C : pairs of animals would cooperate to open the box

 D : pairs of animals would compete to get to the box

2Bottom of Form

Watch the video, and answer the question (2-3)

  1. In the video, how do researchers assess empathy in animals?

Top of Form

 A : cantagious yawning

 B : picking up dropped items

 C : hugging an animal who appears cold

 D : all of the aboveBottom of Form

  1. Researchers have never observed a primate who refuses a grape unless his neighbor is also given a grape.

Top of Form

 A : True

 B : FalseBottom of Form

Watch the video, and answer the question (4)




  1. What information does the grouper communicate to the eel?

Top of Form

 A : the approach of sharks

 B : the location of other eels

 C : the location of another grouper

 D : the location of food

Bottom of Form

Watch the video, and answer the question (5)

  1. Why do bats jam each other's sonar?

Top of Form

 A : to steal food

 B : to steal mates

 C : to steal resting spots

 D : to show dominance

Bottom of Form

Watch the video, and answer the question (6)


  1. According to the video, during the mating and birthing seasons, the females macaques with the fewest number of lice are those

Top of Form

 A : with the fewest sexual partners

 B : with the most social contacts

 C : with the fewest children

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  • It also includes a reason that we haven't discussed: groups can serve as "information hubs" that allow members to observe where others are finding food.

Checkpoint Questions

How would you classify each of the following social behaviors:
(A) Unrelated spiders cooperating to build a large nest that can withstand tropical rainstorms. 
(B) A vampire bat regurgitating blood into the mouth of an unrelated  (non-relative) neighbor who was unable to find a blood meal. 
(C) Naked mole rats living in a large underground colony.  Workers collect food and raise the young of their sister queen. 


  1. Match the names with the descriptions above.

Top of Form

 1 : A) kin selection, B) mutualism, C) reciprocal altruism

 2 : A) mutualism B) reciprocal altruism, C) kin selection

 3 : A) reciprocal altruism, B) kin selection, C) mutualism

Bottom of Form

The first video suggested that social animals are generally smarter than solitary animals. Ants and bees are some of the most social animals on the planet. Surely they're not some of the smartest animals on the planet. What's going on? (Hint: Think about why social animals need to be smart and think about what we learned last week.)

Top of Form

Answer: (SHORT QUESTION- ONLY least than 10 words)

Bottom of Form

Part 3

Let's discuss this video on long term relationships between female baboons.

  Use information from the background material and the video to answer these discussion questions: What is a friendship? What's the evidence that animals form friendships? When do animals form friendships? Do these friendships affect fitness? Do animal friendships tell us anything about human friendships?