I need Initial Post of 200-225 words and two substantial replies on other students post. I attached the reply document which contains the post of other students, Need it in 6 hours  Watch the videos t

Post 1

Jennifer Woods

YesterdayLocal: Sep 23 at 3:11

What is going on is the Duke's have a commodity trader buying up as much orange juice futures as he possibly can get his hands on at any price he can get. This keeps making the prices go up and because they think the orange juice crop markets were a flop that year. When Winthorpe yells out Sell 30 in April at 142 he is making a deal to sell orange juice in April for $1.42 per pound and 30 is the number of contracts as I take it. This in turn makes the crowd go wild because they agree to buy the contacts at $1.42 because they think in April the price will be much higher than that.  After the man reads the ag report and states that the orange crop was very plentiful that year the room goes crazy because the price starts falling and people are trying to sell sell sell. When to commotion stops and the board reads 29 in April that means Winthorpe and Valentine have contracts to buy millions of pounds of oj at $0.29. This is an example of sell high buy low. 

Winthorpe and Valentine took a long position because they purchased they oj shares themselves.

The Dukes took a short position and that is why they were margin called for $394 million dollars because they don't own the shares, someone else does.

Post 2

Rachel Sill

YesterdayLocal: Sep 23 at 9:05pm<br>Course: Sep 23 at 8:05pm

Manage Discussion Entry

The good guys predicted what was going to happen in the futures market as well as what the bad guys were going to do. The bad guys had someone buying up the stocks which is also referred to as taking a long position. The good guys, having predicted this, decide to wait until the price is high and begin selling their shares. This is known as taking the short position. The good guys waited, knowing that the bad guys were putting all of there money into it because they were under the assumption they had the upper hand and knew what the Dept. of Ag was going to conclude. Once the bad guys had peaked, the good guys begin selling all their shares resulting in a large sum profit. Judging by the prices during the trade the good guys probably made 113 cents per pound sold