interview report

Interview Report

This interview is for the class assignment and learning purpose only. Each student interview social workers ore related professionals in the agencies (or institutions or schools) to answer the following questions and write a 2-3 page report. You can send the questions in advance to the person before you meet for the interview. You are responsible for choosing and communicating with the person(s) you interview. You may ask the person’s permission to take notes or audio recording during the interview. The information (agency’s name, the person’s name and position) must be included in your report.

If it is not possible to meet face to face, you can also use phone interview or email interview. The person you choose can be a current social worker or formal social worker with experiences. A person who works in a social service or non-profit agency (but not a social worker) can also be considered in this interview if needed.

You can use the following questions as a guideline in your interview and feel free to add questions or ask follow-up questions. Once the interview is completed, you are responsible to write an interview report or summary using your words and adding your reflections.

Here are the questions to be included in the interview:

Based on your observation, experiences, and knowledge in the field and the agency/institution,

  1. May I learn more about your job? (What do you do in this position?)

  2. Could you please identify a few problems/issues/challenges you see in the systems, policies, services, or process/procedure?

  3. What is the most rewarding moment in this job?

  4. If there is a chance, what would you like to advocate for or make a difference?

  5. In your opinion, what kinds of research can be done to inform practices or raise awareness?

  6. Any advice for entering the field?

  7. (Optional) You can create your own question for the interview.