YOUTH HOMELESS SHELTER**** Constructing a budget requires time and attention to detail. This section of the grant proposal should include the narrative or justification and the financial details assoc


Week 4 Assignment: Final Project Youth Homeless Shelter Methodology & Evaluation Plan

Alexis Lowe

Walden University

Professor Marnie Carroll

HUMN 6207: Grant Writing

September 22, 2019

Methodology and Evaluation Plan

The methodology is one of the most important sections in the grant. This particular section is concerned with addressing how the project will be carried out. Over the past few t years, evaluation plans have become increasingly important documents for prospective funders. Competition for grants is very intense, and therefore funders must feel confident that finances will be well spent and that projects can be evaluated appropriately. This particular document also assures the organization that the time and effort put into a project proves that the objectives are attained. This paper seeks to outline methodology and evaluation plan for a project aimed at the issue of homelessness among the youth living in Tri-Cities.


Program description

The program seeks to come up with various strategies that will effectively address homeless among youths in Tri-cities that are Kennewick, Richland, and Pasco. Youths are facing a lot of housing challenges because most of them do not have adequate finances to cater for their needs such as school fees, food, and accommodation. The program will recommend some targeted prevention measures which will assist in supporting youth who experience the challenge of homelessness. This particular program will also ensure youth get access to education, health services, employment, and other services. This is because homelessness has hindered youth from accessing these important services. Finally, the proposed program will establish a resource center that will be used in identifying, tracking and reporting issues of homelessness among youths. This particular resource center will be handling issues related to youth homelessness and suggest a solution to the problem.

Research design

The study will be based on a cross sectional correlation and survey designs. Qualitative approach will also be used. The qualitative approach will be used in that it gives precise and testable expression to qualitative ideas. The study is cross sectional because it will be carried out across participants over a short period of time. Survey design is preferred because it will allow the researcher to get data from many respondents. These methods that will be used in the study will ensure that there is free interaction between the researcher and the homeless youth so that their challenges can be adequately addressed.

Human subjects (sample)

The researcher’s focus will be on the youth who have experienced homelessness in Tri-Cities. The population for the study will be chosen randomly from the three cities and every homeless youth will have an equal chance of participating. However, due to constraints such as time and resources, the researcher will find a convenient sample.

Study validity and reliability

In order to ensure validity, the researcher will mostly use his/her expertise with regard to the homeless youth. Multiple methods of collecting data will be used in order to enhance reliability.

Assumptions and limitations

The key assumption is that there will be minimal errors and the collected data will be very accurate. The major anticipated limitations are finance constraints and time constraints. However, these limitations will be addressed through adequate funding and scheduling adequate time to conduct the research.


Due to the nature of the study, the timeline for carrying out the research will be a minimum of two months. But the entire program activities will be undertaken for a period of maximum of ten months.


The data which will have been obtained will be analyzed using various analysis techniques such as descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation.

Non-personnel resources

There will be some facilities, supplies and equipment that will be required. They include writing materials, gadgets, computers etc.

Personnel resources

There are a number of personnel who will be assigned some tasks to undertake. They include Project Director, Project Coordinator, Clinical Coordinator, Academic Coordinator, Project Evaluator and Project Secretary.

Management plan (Work plan)

The project director will ensure that all activities of the project are undertaken. There will be project team members who will be assigned some specific tasks. The project team members will be required to complete their tasks within a period of three months. The project will be managed by the overall project director. The head of each project team will be answerable directly to the project director.

The Evaluation Plan

Description of the specific criteria that will measure the success of the project

It is important to measure the success of a project once it is completed. This will give stakeholders an opportunity to assess the effectiveness of the project. The first criterion will be used is the scope. This will assist in determining whether the project achieved its objectives within the given framework. The second criterion is the schedule. This will help in assessing whether the project was able to hit its milestones on time and whether the project was delivered on time. The third criterion is the budget. This criterion evaluates whether the project was managed to be delivered within the budget which had been formulated. Another success criterion is team satisfaction. The project team that is satisfied is an indicator of success of the project. The final criterion that will be used to measure success is the quality of output It is important to track quality and make changes where necessary.

Explanation of data that will be collected

The data that will be collected will be pertaining to the activities that were undertaken. The data on the specific time it took to complete each project activity will also be collected. The data on the amount of money that was spent will also have to be collected. The data on the quality of output will also have to be collected.

Explanation of the data collection plans at the beginning, mid-program, and final evaluation

The data which will be collected at the beginning will be obtained from the project coordinator. He/she will indicate how the program was rolled out and state any challenges encountered. The data which will be collected at the mid of the program will be obtained from the heads of respective project teams and it will be pertaining to the progress of respective project activities. The data which will be collected at the end of the project will be obtained from the project director. This data will indicate whether the project was able to meet its targets.

Evaluation instruments that will be used and an explanation of why these instruments were selected

Two evaluation instruments will be used. The first one is the value of outcomes/deliverables. The final outcome of the project is supposed to have met its initial objectives. The value of outcome will be low if some of the goals and objectives of the project are not met. The second evaluation instrument is the stakeholder satisfaction. If the project stakeholders are interviewed and they state that they are satisfied with the deliverables of the project, then that particular project will be deemed to be successful.

Plans for writing the periodic reports to keep the funder updated

The project secretary will be tasked with documenting reports. He/she should be in a position to generate quarterly reports. These particular reports will be presented to all stakeholders including the funder.


Forchuk, C., O’Regan, T., Jeng, M., & Wright, A. (2018). Retaining a Sample of Homeless Youth. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry27(3), 167.

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Schwan, K., French, D., Gaetz, S., Ward, A., Akerman, J., & Redman, M. (2018). Preventing youth homelessness. Homeless Hub.