In Week Two of class you began to develop your Philosophy of Exceptional Learning and Inclusion. For your summative assignment you will build on the philosophy you started in your Week Two assignment


Sample Philosophy of Exceptional Learning and Inclusion

Catherine Baulkman

ECD 310: Exceptional Learning and Inclusion

Instructor Carlisle

Sample Philosophy of Exceptional Learning and Inclusion

Making a learning situation that spotlights on inclusion and promotes differentiation learning will address the necessities everything being equal. An inclusion enriched environment will provide chances for learners with disabilities to experience a normal childhood ("Why Is Early Detection of a Learning Disability Important?", 2019). Assessing lessons will ensure that each student's educational need is fulfilled. Cooperation between all entities within the students' supporting network is needed for all students to reach their fullest potentials.

Intended Career Path

I enrolled at the University to receive my Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education Administration. I desire to become a center director where my role will be to establish a professional learning environment where families, students, and educators can collaborate in preparing students for academic success. The students' ages will range from six weeks to five years of age. I will inspire the educators to expand the minds of their students while supporting and encouraging us to move forward to accomplish our mission statement. All students have a right to an education where they will receive an age-appropriate education.

Professional Dispositions

They include self-reflection, innovativeness, and fairness. I will incorporate these qualities as I work with families and educators to make a positive impact on the lives of all students. For me to lead others, I must have a sense of self. Evaluating my strengths and weaknesses will help me identify my leadership style and how I influence others. As a center director, I must continually evolve as I am accountable for providing an environment that delivers a positive learning experience for all who are involved.

Definition of Inclusion

I believe that inclusion education allows students with different learning abilities and styles to coexist within the same age-appropriate educational classroom. Inclusion learning environment secures the opportunities for students of various skills to learn together in a traditional classroom setting. It respects and values all students regardless of their learning style, which allows the teachers to focus on the unique needs of all students.

Current State of Inclusion

Incorporation is ceaselessly advancing to address the issues all things considered (Muthukrishna et al., 2018). Even in the late twentieth century, kids brought into the world with inabilities were viewed as a humiliation and wellspring of the blame for their families.

Importance of Collaboration

Families involvement is essential in the education of children. Reports from schools recognize the importance of collaboration in the success of the implementation of inclusive education. To assist students with disabilities toward academic success, I will incorporate my practical communication skills as a narrator and collaborate with external entities, local outreach programs, and provide family enrichment and training sessions.

Using Evidence-Based Strategies

It is essential when developing an inclusive environment because teachers can be confident that the strategies they are using are active and supportive of the student's educational needs (US Department of Health and Human Services & US Department of Education, 2015). As an administrator, I must present research-based teaching strategies. Studies indicate the effectiveness of that practice in improving the educational needs of the students.

My Philosophy of Exceptional Learning and Inclusion

As an educator, my role is that all students are unique and have the right to an age-appropriate learning environment where students of all abilities can achieve success. As a result of my experience working with children with disabilities, I understand the needs of each child will vary. Therefore, all students deserve a valuable education that is tailored to support their educational needs. I will encourage my educators by providing external and internal support, utilizing all resources and keeping the lines of communication open. Some Learning Disabilities (LD) such as dyslexia may be difficult to diagnosis because preschoolers are developing the fundamentals of the language.

Professional Standards and Code of Ethics

As an administrator, I must enforce professionalism and ethical standards. Furthermore, educators and administrators must embody the code of ethics. Students need their teachers to be truthful treating students fairly regardless of their abilities, respect their needs and disabilities, to take responsibility for the education, they provide and to value the importance of free age-appropriate education that expands their knowledge and prepare them for adulthood.

My Role in Exceptional Learning and Inclusion Learning Environment

As an educator, I understand the struggles of students with learning disorders. I will advocate for early diagnoses for students with learning disabilities. Since 85% of the brain is developed before the age of 5, early detection is essential. I must collaborate with educators to quickly identify exceptional learners. We will act promptly by tracking the child's behaviors and working with the Training and Curriculum Specialist (T&C) before approaching parents.


I believe that inclusive education is very vital in the learning process of a student with special needs because all students need to develop a sense of belonging. Likewise, they also deserve a quality education that will prepare them for life in their communities. When expectations are set high, and the teacher utilizes differentiated instructions with LRE, children with disabilities will develop academically. Collaboration between educators, parents, administrators, and support teams is critical in the success of all students.


Muthukrishna, N., & Engelbrecht, P. (2018). Decolonising inclusive education in lower income, Southern African educational contexts. South African Journal of Education38(4).

US Department of Health and Human Services & US Department of Education. (2015). Policy statement on inclusion of children with disabilities in early childhood programs. Infants & Young Children29, 1-21.

Why Is Early Detection of a Learning Disability Important?. (2019). Retrieved 12 September 2019, from